UPDATED  March 30, 2025
 Check out the NEW New York’s Best Rock Page for our story, schedule and stations! 
Check out the newly updated Northwest page, lots of new airchecks got listed!

Coming soon to The Top Jocks Page…Shotgun Tom Kelly!

Now available, the First Edition Big Apple Airchecks T-Shirt! It comes in many sizes and colors! Click on the link to order it today!


Big Apple Airchecks was saddened to hear about the passing of Bob Rivers. He reached out to us in 2012 and did this intro when he was at KJR-FM. Here he is with Deborah Norville.

Think of us as

Audio Nostalgia

Because we love radio and listening to these tapes bring us back to the time when we were kids and would pop a tape in to record our favorite station or DJ.

You won’t believe the archive’s size and there’s even more to be cataloged. Classic radio moments from over the past 50 years!

Most airchecks listed on the site are UNSCOPED (US) which means all the music, DJ talk, commercials, etc, are left intact unless indicated AS SCOPED (Edited). Anything that says it is a Composite are always scoped to showcase a particular station or region.

They are listed by STATE only, and in no particular order. The size of each cassette/CD/file is usually indicated in most cases. 

I am fairly flexible when trading, so all trades don’t have to be even all the time; I find that they end up getting even in the long run. Once I get your requests, I’ll make mine from you website or list and ask that you always send my requests first if this is our first trade.

DISCLAIMER: Big Apple Airchecks makes no claim of ownership of the creative content of these airchecks. All materials provided are for reference and research purposes only and may not be licensed for broadcast. Big Apple Airchecks claims no rights, nor can we provide information on any known copywrite holders. All material is provided as is and Big Apple Airchecks assumes no liablility for it’s usage.

My Internet Radio Show

I currently host a one hour show called “New York’s Best Rock” on 30 internet radio stations. It’s based upon the former Album Oriented Rock format of WPLJ with some modern touches. Go to the New York’s Best Rock page for the story and all my stations!


In Memory Of Jimmy Buffett December 25, 1946-September 1, 2023
Big Apple Airchecks

Talent Spotlight: Joey Walker

BAA Joey Walker from 93Q Syracuse!
Amy Robbins, Ted Long & Joey Walker on a 93Q remote
Joey Walker on the air everywhere!

Aircheck Demo Services

I charge $20 to edit and produce a killer demo, and $40 if it needs to be converted from reel or cassette.  If you can send an mp3 or .wav file to me, that’s how you’ll get it back. Let me know when you need it, and that’s when you’ll have it, if not sooner! I use Adobe Audition 3.0 and have five cassette decks, Sony DAT and MD decks, Akai 7″ Reel, ITC Stereo Cart deck and Otari 10″ Reel all going through a Mackie  mixing board. Your satisfaction and quality is guaranteed!

I can also get documents or photos off your old floppy discs through the magic of USB! The cost is $10 per disc, and if the files are corrupted or unreadable, you get a 50% refund.

If you need a full blown aircheck demo, we can do that too! Prices start at $100 with you providing the voice tracks and any other elements you want included. We’ll do the rest with the magic of digital editing!

Do you have old cassettes, reels, carts, MDs or DATs that are taking up room and you have no way to listen to them? I can convert all those formats to digital and send them as .wav or .mp3 files back to you. Contact me with what you have, (format and quantity) and I’ll give you a price that can’t be beat! 

Do you need your resume updated, or totally re-written? I can do that for you as well. If your resume is more than 1 page, it’s time to rewrite it! Contact me today and let me update it and your life!

I accept Paypal Friends and Family, and Venmo as well as Postal Money Orders so contact me today for your immediate demo needs!

I also collect and trade bumper and window stickers, and other assorted promotional items. Let me know if you want to trade any of these items.

Do you want something, but don’t see it listed on the site? Just ask! I may have it, but may not have put it up on the site yet. I may be able to get it through one of my many sources, be it a fellow aircheck trader, or a contact at a radio station.

Here are the rules:

What You Should Know

I can copy airchecks onto CD, or digital downloads only. Cassettes are to time consuming and expensive to mail. I will take CD’s and digital downloads trade only.. My preference are digital downloads and CD’s. CD’s are sent in envelopes. Please pack everything so they won’t be damaged during mailing.

I will ask that you send to me first, and when I get your airchecks, I’ll upload mine via WeTransfer which is my preferred digital service. If you want CD’s, I’ll mail mine out once yours are received. Please don’t take this personally. This prevents me from getting burnt by “dead beat” traders. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!



Can You Purchase?

If you don’t have anything to trade, it’s not a problem. They are available for purchase. You are paying for the work involved of converting/ripping the audio, and costs involved in maintaining the website. You are not paying for the aircheck itself. Everything is available as a digital download via WeTransfer.com

Digital downloads costs are as follows: Each 60-90 minute length file is $20. The exception is if a file is 2 hours or more, cost goes by length. A 2 hour file is $40, 3 hour file is $60, 4 hour file is $80, etc.

A custom radio station quilt made by my mother in law!

Payment can be by cash, postal money order, PayPal and Venmo. If you choose PayPal, please be aware that transaction fees will apply to the purchase, generally running 10% of the purchase unless you use the Friends and Family option which is preferred.

I don’t sell airchecks for a living, and will sell only if a trade can’t be arranged. Sales of airchecks support this site by paying for CD’s and the hosting fees. Your are NOT paying for the actual aircheck, but for the time, effort and supplies that go into making a copy of the aircheck.

Feel free to contact with me any questions regarding any airchecks. US means that everything is included, and Scoped or Composite are edited with music and commercials taken out. 


There are so many people over the years that have contributed to BAA that a complete list is impossible to put together, but here are the ones (in no particular order) that have contributed.

Ira Menacker, John Yanagi, Russ Horton, Jay Philpott, Tom Gavares, Tracy Carman, Russell Wells, the late John Moody, Russ Horton, the late Mike Miter, Bob Gilmore, Dave Haber, Greg Monti, Adam Greenberg, Jeremy Andrews, Neal Bowden, Frank Williams, Tony Simon, Ken Hawkins, Mike Workman, Aaron Ingram, Jeff Lehmann, Bob Gilbert, Nathan Fuentes, Chip Kelly, Steven Green, Damon Shaw, Mark Kattoura, Stanley Karr, Pat O’Brient and many more! 

Want to contact me? My email is matt at bigappleairchecks.com

Now Get Started!

This site is like getting in your car and travelling cross country listening to
great radio stations along the way. So where would you like to start?