Big Apple Airchecks



The New York page has the most airchecks available on my site.

Airchecks listed on the site UNSCOPED (US) which means all the music DJ talk, commercials, etc are left intact unless indicated AS SCOPED (Edited). Anything that says it is a Composite are always scoped to showcase a particular station or region. They are listed by STATE only, and hopefully in chronological order if possible. The size of each cassette is also indicated.  I am fairly flexible when trading, so all trades don’t have to be even all the time; I find that they end up getting even in the long run.

If you’d like to make a trade, contact me anytime!

You’re listening to a New York Jingle Montage produced by Rockin’ Richie Norris!


NY001 C60

  • WABC Dan Ingram stand by tape 1968 Scoped
  • John Landecker WIBG 8/71& WLS 3/81
  • NY Radio March 1975:
      • Norm N. Nite/WCBSFM
      • Bruce Morrow/WNBC
      • Dan Ingram/WABC
      • Ron O’Brien & Steve Weed 99X
      • Zacherle/WPLJ
      • ?/WHN
      • Dr Jerry/WPIX-FM
      • Dave Marshall/WSPK

NY002 C60 & CD WHLI 1/8/76, Harry Harrison WABC 1/5/76

NY003 C60 WINS Murray The K 1/7/65 (partially scoped)

NY003A CD WMCA Murray The K 1st Show 11/2/68 

NY003B CD WINS Jack Lacy 9/2/63 & Bruce Morrow 7/14/60

NY003C CD Scoped WINS Pete “Mad Daddy” Meyers 8/31/63 & 11/29/63

NY003D CD WMGM Peter Tripp & Jack Spector 12/29/59 (Switch To Country Format)

NY003E CD X 2 US WMCA 1) Jack Spector 9/10/65 2) B. Mitchell Reed 3/25/65 68m

NY003E-1 MP3 US WMCA 1) Dean Anthony 10/25/69 2) Jack Spector 11/15/69 53m

NY003F CD US WINS Alan Freed 1/23/57

NY003G MP3 US WINS Alan Freed 3/23/55 1h 5m

NY003H US MP3 1963 1) WINS Mad Daddy Pete Meyers 2) WMCA B. Mitchell Reed 3) WMCA Murray The K  4)Tribute to Murray The K  Total Time 1h 22m

NY004 C60 WMCA The Final Weekend Sept 1970

NY004A CD WMCA Frankie Crocker 1970

NY005 C60 & CD

    • Don Imus AAM Interview 1976
    • WHK 1979
    • WMCA Lee Gray 9/68
    • WNBC Wolfman Jack 1st Show 8/73 & Last 6/74

NY006 MP3 90m 1) WABC Bruce Morrow 5/16/69 2) JJ Jeffrey WMEX 1/13/65 and WFIL 9/17/70 3) WINS Allen Freed 2/13/55 4) WEIM Fitchburg MA Thom Whetston 7/13/79

NY006A MP3 Bruce Morrow 1) WABC 8/7/74 Last Show Scoped 6m 20s 2) WNBC First Show 8/19/74 US 31m 3) WNBC First Show Scoped 51m 4) WCBS-FM First Show 6/5/82 Scoped 27m

NY006B C60 & CD WABC Alan Freed 11/5/59

NY006B-1 CD US WINS Allan Freed 2/14/57, Alan Freed 11/5/59

NY006C CD US WABC Bruce Morrow 9/7/65

NY006D CD US WABC Scott Muni 8/61

NY006E C90 & CD X 2 US  Bruce Morrow 1) WINS 7/14/60 2) WABC Saturday Night Party 1963 3) WALL 11/23/81

NY006F C60 US Bruce Morrow WINZ Reunion 1974

NY006G C90 & CD X 2 US Bruce Morrow WRAN 3/27/81

NY006H C90 US WABC Jay Reynolds 12/26/70

NY006I C90 US WABC 1) Jim Nettleton 1969 2) Frank Kingston Smith 1974

NY006J MP3 & CD US WABC Howard Hoffman 2/27/80 1h 18m

NY007 C90 & CD X 2 WNBC 1) Murray The K 8/5/73 2) Dick Summer 8/19/77 3) Bruce Morrow 8/19/77

NY007A US MP3 and CD X 2 WNBC Jessie 12/13/82 1h 27m

NY007B CD Scoped WNBC Don Imus 1st Anniversary Show 6-9 AM 12/4/72

NY008 C60 & CD WNBC Bruce Morrow 8/8/74, Gary Bridges 7/85

NY009 C60 & CD US WNBC Norm N. Nite 11/9/75

NY010 MP3 US WNBC Don Imus 8/25/77 45m

NY011 C90 & CD X 2 US WNBC Steve Warren & Norm N. Nite 8/31/77

NY012 C60 an MP3 US WNBC Johnny Dark 9/1/77 12-1 PM One hour before the format change 60m

NY013 C60 and MP3 Scoped Composite WNBC The First Day September 1-2, 1977 Features Lee Masters, Allen Beebe, Batt Johnson, Frank Reed, Ellie Dylan and Johnny Dark

NY014 MP3 US WNBC Buzz Brindle in for Imus 8/23/77 34m

NY015 MP3 US WNBC Buzz Brindle Last Show 8/28/77 92m

NY016 MP3 US WNBC Al Brady & Bob Vernon 4/1/75 60m

NY017 MP3 US 1) Howard Hoffman audio letter to Joey Ryan/WDRQ 2/15/76 includes “9!” and “Super Q!” 30m 2) WNBC Buzz Brindle Returns 1/29/78 45m 3) WNBC Scoped Buzz Brindle in for Imus 11/20/80 6:34-7:12 AM 5m 

NY018 MP3 US 1) WNBC Jay Stone 9/10/77 45m 2) WNBC Bob Pittman 9/11/77 45m

NY019 C60 and CD US WNBC Ellie Dylan 1/17/78

NY020 CD 1) WNBC The Not So New WNBC Composite 1/17-18/78 2) WABC Still Number One! Composite 1/18-21/78

NY021 MP3 US 1) WNBC Bob Pittman 2/8/78 45m 2) WNBC Scott Bingham 2/11/78 45m

NY022 C60 and CD 1) WNBC Jackson Armstrong as “The Unknown DJ” 4/30/78 Scoped 2) WMJC Allen Beebe Spring 1977 (this is the aircheck that got him the job at WNBC) 3) WHYI Y100 Robert W. Walker 1977

NY023 MP3 US WNBC Scotty Brink First Show 8/7/78 60m

NY024 MP3 US WNBC Mike Sarzynski 10/23/78 60m

NY025 MP3 US WNBC Mark Driscoll 1)1st Show 5/8/78 & 2) 3rd Show 5/10/78 45m each

NY026 MP3 US WNBC Lee Masters Last Show 8/5/78 90m

NY027 US MP3 & C90 & CD X 2 US 1) WNBC Norm N. Nite Returns 7/23/78 45m 2) WRVR Batt Johnson 9/1/78 45m

NY027A US MP3 & C60 & CD WKHK Batt Johnson 1/84 60m

NY027B US MP3 & C60 & CD WLTW Batt Johnson 2/84 60m

NY027C MP3 & CD X 2 1) Scoped WRVR & WKHK 106.7 Country Steve Warren 10/18/80 55m 2) Scoped WKHK 106.7 Kick Country 11/15/80 and 11/22/80 48m

NY027D MP3 US WKHK Kick 106 Larry Kenny 11/28/80 55m

NY028 CD The Same Old WNBC Composite 1/14-16/79

NY029 MP3 & CD X 2 US WNBC Don Imus 1) 8/24/77 Next To Last Show  2) 8/26/77 The Last Show! 45m each

NY030 C60 1) Don Imus WHK & WGAR Last Shows 2) Dan Ingram Composite WNHC/WICC/KBOX

NY031 C45 US WNBC Roz Frank 9/4/78

NY032 MP3 X 6 US WNBC Don Imus Returns 9/3/79 Approx. 46m each

NY032A CD US WNBC Don Imus 2/5/82

NY033 C90 US 1) WNBC Allen Beebe January 1985 2) WNBC Composite 1980

NY033A CD US WNBC Joey Reynolds 10/23/86

NY033B CD US WNBC Lee Chambers 10/23/86

NY034 C90 US 1) WAPP Allen Beebe 9/16/85 2) WXRK Vin Scelsa First Show 9/29/85

NY035 C60 US WAPP Allen Beebe 11/17/85 Last Show

NY036 C90 US WNBC Dan Taylor 12/26/87

NY037 C90 US WNBC Dale Parsons & Bob James 7/88

NY037A CD US WNBC Carole Mason 8/88

NY038 C60 US 1) WCBS-FM Jack Miller & Brian Kelly 11/79 2) WQAM Composite 1978 3) KHJ Composite 8/76

NY039 C60 & CD WABC The First Dan Ingram Composite 2/77-6/77

NY040 C60 & CD X 2 WABC The Second Dan Ingram Composite 12/78-1/79

NY041 C90X2 US WABC The Last Show: Dan Ingram & Ron Lundy May 10, 1982

NY042 C60X2 US WNEW-FM Tribute To MusicRadio 77 WABC 8-10PM May 16,1982

NY043 C60 US WNEW-FM 15th Anniversary Special

NY044 C60 WABC The Renovated WABC Composite 12/79

NY045 C60 WABC The Adult WABC Composite 3/9-14/81 1) Ross & Wilson 2) Dan Ingram’s 1st Show back in PM Drive 3) Sturgis Griffin 4) Howard Hoffman 5) Marc Sommers

NY045A C90 US WABC Ross & Wilson 1st Show 3/9/81

NY045B C90 US WABC Howard Hoffman 2/27/80

NY046 C90 and MP3

      • 2) WABC Down To Number 2 Composite 1/13-21/79 45m
        Chuck Leonard, Bob Cruz, Harry Harrison, Ron Lundy, Dan Ingram, George Micheal, Steve O’Brien, Johnny Donovan
      • 1) WKTU The New Number 1 Composite 2/9-12/79 45m
        Paul Robinson, Dave Mallow, Ken Hayes, Paco Navarro, Randy Place, G.Keith Alexander, Mary Thomas, Trip Reed, Peter Allen Burkhart, “Jersey” Joe Guerisco

NY046A MP3 US WKTU The Mellow 92 Randy Place 4/18/77 30m

NY047 MP3 US WABC Mike McKay 1) 1/11/81 7:59-2:41 PM 47m 2) 1/28/81 7:13-7:58 PM 48m

NY048 MP3 & CD 1) WKTU The New 92KTU Composite 1/15-1/16/85 30m 2) Syracuse Composite May-June 1986 30m

NY049 C90 & CD US WKTU Paco and Rosko Mercer 1980

NY049A MP3 US WKTU 92.3 Rosko Mercer August 1982 31m

NY049B MP3 US WKTU 92.3 G. Keith Alexander 7/28/83 33m

NY049C MP3 US WKTU 92.3 Freddie Colon March 1982 16m

NY050 CD US WKTU Al Bandiero 2/15/84

NY050A CD US WKTU Randy Place 4/2/79 and Paco Navarro 4/5/79

NY051 C60 East Coast Radio Summer 1978. Composite of 67 different radio stations.

NY052 CD US WOR-FM Bob Elliott January 1968

NY052-1 CD Scoped WOR-FM Jay Shannon and Robert Conway 2/20-21/1972

NY052-2 CD US 60m WOR-FM Bill Brown 9/4/69

NY052-3 CD X 2 US WOR-FM Scott Muni 1) 10/8/66 44m 2) 5/26/67 45m

NY052-4 CD X 5 US WOR-FM 1970 Year End Countdown 3h 41m

NY052-5 MP3 US WOR-FM Sebastian Stone 4/2/69 30m

NY052-6 MP3 US WOR-FM Tommy Edwards 12/71 58m

NY052A MP3 & C90 US WXLO 1) Walt “Baby” Love 5/17/74 and 2) Big Ron O’Brien 5/4/74

NY052B MP3 & C60 WXLO 99X Scoped

      • 1) Elton John as “EJ The DJ” Thanksgiving Day 11/28/74 3-5PM Scoped 30m
      • 2) Lee Douglas 5/15/75, Ed O’Brien and Paulie 3/30/77 Scoped 30m

NY052C CD X 2

      • 1) WXLO 99X Walt “Baby” Love and Danny Martinez 12/31/72
      • 2) WNEW-FM Dennis Elsas 4/5/79

NY052D MP3 & CD X 2 US

      • 1) WNEW-FM Alison Steele 2/11/69 2h 22m
      • 2) WNEW-FM 5/22/97 “Let’s Pretend It’s 1972!” 30m

NY052E CD WNEW-FM Alison Steele 9/19/75

NY052F MP3 and CD US WXLO 99X Steve “Smokin” Weed 4/15/76 Tribute Hour to Montville NJ HS 7-8PM 60m

NY052G CD US WNEW-FM Richard Neer 4/7/79

NY053 C90 WXLO US 1) Paulie’s Last Show 8/13/77 2) Al Bandiero 1st Show 8/15/77

NY053A CD US WXLO 98.7 Walt Baby Love & Dave Thompson Labor Day 1973 Top 500 Countdown

NY053B CD US 99X Paulie & JoJo (X-Man Winners) 1975

NY053C CD US 99X Steve Weed 1975

NY053D CD US 99X Bobby Messina & Steve Weed 1975

NY053E CD US 99X Jay Thomas & Paulie April 1977

NY053F CD Scoped WXLO 98.7 Various

      • 98.7 XLO Composite 1972
      • 99X The Douglas Year(s) 1975
      • 99X Terry Nelson
      • 99X Don Geronimo 2nd Show 9/77

NY053G CD Scoped WXLO 99X Various

      • Jay Thomas (short)
      • Jay Thomas recorded Top 10 Countdown
      • John Larrabee w/Debbie Harry 3/8/79
      • Bobby Rich 3/17/79
      • Dr. Jerry 4/12/79
      • Dave Saint Early 1978
      • Bonus Track: Al Bandiero WIFI 92

NY053H CD and MP3 Scoped 15m WXLO 98.7 Mike Phillips 10/73

NY054 MP3 & CD WXLO Scoped 99X 1) Don Geronimo 1st Show 9/5/77 21m 2) Ed Berger 9/1/78 US 40m

NY054A CD WXLO 99X Harry Nelson 9/77

NY054B MP3 Scoped WXLO 99X Don Geronimo 2nd Show 9/6/77 21m

NY055 CD X 2 & C90 WXLO US Dave Saint 2/3/78, Beau Weaver 2/3/78

NY056 CD X 2 & C90 WXLO US Jason Roberts 2/3/78, Bobby Messina Returns! 2/5/78

NY057 C90 Scoped WXLO 99X 1) Beaver Cleaver 6/10/78 6:35-11 PM 2) Sue O’Neal 3/17/78

NY058 CD X 2 & C90 WXLO Jay Thomas 1/18-19/77, 6/2/79,7/2/79 and last show 7/6/79

NY059 C90 & CD US WXLO Jay Thomas with guest Steve Martin 9/28/77

NY060 CD & C90 US WXLO US Bobby “Dr.Gibb” Rich 3/5/78 7:30-Mid. Scoped & 2/27/78 10:50-11:30PM

NY060A CD X 2 Memories of 99X and Tribute To Bobby Rich

NY061 CD 60m Scoped WXLO Jay Thomas 11/9/78, Al Bandiero 11/9/78

NY061A C110 WXLO “98.7 XLO” Station Composite 1972

    • Mel Phillips(PD) with Walt “Baby” Love, Joe McCoy, Rick Shaw, Danny Martinez, Jay Shannon and Don Reegen. This was taped when the regular jocks were on strike, and RKO flew in replacements from other their other stations around the country.
    • 99X The Douglas Years: Steve Weed, Paulie, Jay Thomas, Terry Nelson, Dick Sloane
    • Terry Nelson
    • Al Bandiero WIFI 922
    • Don Geronimo 2nd show Sept 1977
    • Jay Thomas (short)
    • John Larabee w/Debby Harry of Blondie 3/8/79
    • Bobby Rich 3/17/79
    • Dr. Jerry 4/12/79
    • Dave Saint (early 1978)

NY062 C60

    • WAVZ Lee Roberts 11/8/77
    • WXLO Lee Roberts 12/17/77, 2/4/78, 3/4/78
    • WXLO Bobby Rich & Sue O’Neal 6/15/78

NY064 MP3 Dave Collins 1) WXLO 7/28/77 31m 2) WGCL 9/28/78 31m

NY065 C60 WXLO

    • Glen Morgan 9/78
    • Dave Saint 1/78
    • “America’s Most Listened To FM Station” 6/7/78
    • Sue O’Neal 3/17/78

NY066 C60 WXLO “Cookin’ 99XFM Composite” 6/15-17/78 featuring:

    • Bobby Rich
    • Sue O’Neal
    • Bobby Messina
    • Jay Thomas
    • Dick Sloan
    • Glenn B. Morgan
    • Al Bandiero
    • John Larabee


    • Bobby Rich w/Meatloaf The DJ 11/5/78 53m 
    • Shotgun Rob Sisco 11/25/78

(Note: Sisco was the APD, there was no else to fill in for Bobby Messina. He is also Bobby Rich’s brother in law.)

NY068 MP3 Scoped WXLO 99XFM

    • 1) The 99XFM 1979 New Years Eve Party with Sue O’Neal and Ace Frehley of KISS 12/30/78 31m
    • 2) The 99XFM Top 10 Countdown of 1978 with Bobby Rich 12/31/78 31m

NY068A C90 X 2 US WXLO Sue O’Neal 4/13/79

NY068B C60 & CD US WQHT Sue O’Neal 9/5-6/92 (Poor)

NY068C MP3 US WCBS-FM Ron Lundy & Sue O’Neal 2/11/94

NY069 MP3 WXLO US 1) Glenn Morgan 3/1/78 41m 2) Al Bandiero 2/28/78 

NY069A CD WXLO US Al Bandiero 6/78 and KIIS Dave Murphy 9/83

NY070 C46 WXLO The 2nd 99XLO Composite 6/1-4/79 featuring:

    • Jay Thomas
    • Dick Sloane
    • John Larabee
    • Sue O’Neal
    • Glenn “Bumper”Morgan
    • Bobby Messina
    • Bobby Rich
    • Dr. Jerry Carroll

NY071 C90 WXLO Introducing The New FM99-WXLO 10/13/79/-11/2/79 featuring:

    • George Benson
    • Mike Wade
    • Glenn Morgan
    • John Larabee
    • Sue O’Neal
    • Bobby Messina
    • Scotty Brink
    • The Return Of Beaver Cleaver! 4/7/79


    • 1) Mike Wade 8/22/79 12:38-1:57 PM 79m
    • 2) Bobby Messina 8/23/79 1:57-2:12AM 9m

NY072A CD and MP3 US WXLO Glenn Morgan 5/27/80 and Mike Wade 6/6/80 60m 

NY072B CD and MP3 US

      • 1) WXLO FM99 JD Holliday 11/27/80 30m
      • 2) WRKS-FM 98.7 Kiss Charlie Burger 8/8/81 30m

NY073 C60 & CD WNWS US Format change from All News WNWS to Soft Rock WYNY 1/1/77

NY073A CD US WYNY Y97 Movin’ Easy John Vidaver hosting the first Beatles Special 7/29/77 (Grade C Quality)

NY073B CD US WYNY Y97 John Vidaver introducing the 2nd Neil Diamond Special Simulcast with NBC-TV 11/17/77 (Grade C Quality)

NY073C CD US WYNY Y97 John Vidaver 11/17/77 with music after the special (Grade C Quality)

NY073D CD US WYNY Y97 John Vidaver w/guest Rupert Holmes 11/8/77 (Grade D Quality) 76m

NY073E CD US WYNY Y97 John Vidaver w/guest Billy Joel 12/21/77 (Grade D Quality) 16m

NY073F CD US WYNY John Vidaver 12/4/78

NY074 C90 & CD X 2 WYNY US Herb Barry/Mitch Lebe (8/30/77) & Les Davis & Roberta Altman (10/9/78)

NY075 MP3 1)WYNY 97 Composite May 30-June 10, 1978 Bree Bushaw, Bill Crowley, Herb Barry, John Vidaver, Rick Hunter, Don Rollins, Mitch Lebe 49m
2) The Different WNBC Composite May 16-25., 1978 Bob Pittman, Lee Masters (Jarl Mohn), Johnny Dark, Frank Reed, Mark Driscoll, Allen Beebe, Scott Bingham, Buzz Brindle

NY076 MP3 WYNY 1) 97 WYNY Composite December 12-16, 1978 Dick Summer (2nd Show), Les Davis & Roberta Altman, Don Rollins, Herb Barry, John Vidaver, Bill Crowley 47m 2) New York 97 WYNY Les Davis, Al Bernstein, Herb Barry, Steve O’Brien, Jere Sullivan (in for Dick Sumer), Dick Summer, Chris Gable, Rick Hunter 50m

NY076A MP3 1) WYNY Steve O’Brien 1st Show 3/5/79 4-5:27 PM Scoped 23m 2) WLTW Herb Barry 3/6/03 US 41m

NY076B CD US WYNY 97.1 Bill Crowley 1979

NY076C MP3 US WYNY 97.1 Steve O’Brien August 1988 13m

NY076D MP3 US WYNY 97.1 Dan Daniel in for Steve O’Brien 1982 30m

NY076E MP3 US WYNY New York 97 Dick Summer 1979 1h 5m

NY077 MP3 US WYNY Larry Kenny 1st Show 9/3/79 62m

NY077A US MP3 & CD WYNY-FM 97.1 AC Floyd Wright 7/7/85 42m

NY077B C60 & CD WYNY Lisa Taylor 6/30/87 (Last hour as AC)

NY077D CD US WYNY 1) Scott Carpenter 9/19/88 2) Dan Taylor 9/19/88 3) Frequency Change to 103.5 9/22/88 46m

NY077B-1 MP3 WYNY 103.5 Bill Rock & Dan Taylor 10/14/89 Scoped 30m

NY077C CD & US WYNY 103.5 Del DeMontreaux Home Town Countdown #30-12 and #7-1 8/23/92

NY078 C90 & CD US WYNY US Lisa Taylor & Dan Daniel Last days of Country 103.5 WYNY 2/1/96

NY079 MP3 WYNY 1) Randy Davis 2/3/96 46m 2) Blair Garner 2/2/96 49m

NY080 C90 & CD US WYNY Charlie Burger & Shelly Sonstein and Dan Daniel (2/3/96)

NY081 MP3 US WYNY Kat Brown & Dave Temple Morning Show with Shelli Sonstein Last Show 2/3/96 90m

NY081A MP3 US WYNY 103.5 The Last Country Show 2/4/96 3:45-5:15 PM 90m

NY082 MP3 & C90 & CD X 2 WYNY Y107 1) Susan Browning & Cousin Vinny 4/28/02 3:256-4:41 PM 2) No Jock 4/29/02 3:45-4:30 AM

NY083 MP3 & C90 WYNY Y107 1) Ray Rossi 4/29/02 8:30-9:15 AM 2) No Jock 4/29/02 9:30-10:15 AM

NY084 MP3 & C90 WYNY Y107 Ray Rossi Last Show Scoped 5:47-7:20 AM 11/01/02

NY085 MP3 (2 90 minute files) WYNY Scoped The last show’s of all the Y107 jocks. Produced by Ted Lindner. Here’s a list of all the last shows with the dates: File 1 1) J. Cruz 6/8/01 2) Jim Kerr 6/8/01 3) Larry Bear 6/8/01 File 2 4) Amy Paige 7/27/01 5) Joey Black 4/26/02 6) Brian Brittain 4/27/02 7) Ray Rossi 5/7/02 (not his last, see NY084)

NY086 MP3 and C60

    • 1) WPIX-FM Composite of Dr Jerry & Howard Hoffman 8/31-11/15/76 30m
    • 2) WXLO Composite of Jay Thomas/Lee Douglas/Dick Sloane 9/22-10/21/76 30m

NY086A CD WPIX-FM Dick Summer 3/5/86 “The Ballad and Beat of New York”

NY086B CD WPIX-FM Review of 1972

NY086C CD WLIB/WPIX-FM Al Gee 1973

NY086D CD WPIX-FM Jim Quinn and Dr. Jerry 1974

NY086E CD WPIX-FM Al Gee 1973 and Dr. Jerry 1975

NY086F CD 1) WPIX-FM Howard Hoffman & Dr. Jerry Carroll 1975 2) WXLO 99X Dave Thompson Labor Day Countdown 1975


    • WPIX-FM Jim Quinn 1974,Alex Hayes 1975
    • WKBW Jim Quinn 1975

NY086H CD WPIX-FM Jack The Whack 8/24/80

NY086I CD WPIX-FM PIX Penthouse Party w/Dan Neer 8/19/79

NY086J CD US WPIX-FM Barney Pip 4/72

NY086K CD US WPIX-FM Mark Simone 1979 36m

NY086L CD US WPIX-FM 102 Dan Neer & Meg Griffin June 1979

NY086M MP3 and CD US WPIX-FM The New 102 Jack Da Whack 11/26/80 60m

NY086N CD X 5 US WPIX-FM Bob Dayton 7/27/72 Each CD approximately 45m

NY086O MP3 US WPIX-FM Jim Quinn 10/21/73 60m

NY086P MP3 US Mono WPIX-FM Jim Kerr 1st Show 10/3/77 6-7 AM 60m

NY086Q MP3 US WPIX-FM Dick Summer 3/5/86 1h 13m

NY086R MP3 Semi-Scoped WPIX-FM 102 The Ballads & Beat of NY Dick Summer May 1986 10-11:55 AM 25m

NY087 MP3 Scoped WNEW-AM First week composite of Jay Lawrence January 9-14, 1977 1h 36m

NY088 C90 & CD US WYNY American Country Countdown 2/3/96 and stunting with Mark Mancow Muller 2/5/96

NY089 MP3 US WLIE-AM 540 Max Kinkle’s first show 1/24/03 2h 12m

NY090 MP3 & C100 US WCBS-FM The Last Doo Wop Show 9:30-11:10PM

NY091 C90 X 2 & CD X 4 WCBS-FM Dan Ingram 1-4PM 2/16/03

NY092 WHLI-AM 1100 1) MP3 Scott Robbins 7/4/75 Scoped 15m 2) MP3 and C30 Kevin Jeffries Last Day as Top 40 1/20/79 5:17-6:17 PM and Jason Roberts First Day of “Music Of Your Life” 1:15-2:34 PM 1/21/79 Scoped 30m 3) MP3 Wes Richards 1/5/76 US 30m 4) Dean Anthony 11/26/81 US 30m 5) MP3 Dean Anthony 8/16/82 US 60m 6) MP3 Dean Anthony 11/26/82 US 60m 7) MP3 Jack Spector 6/25/89 US 84m 8) MP3 Dean Anthony 8/28/90 US 87m 9) MP3 US Dean Anthony 2/22/92 US 58m 10) MP3 US Jack Spector 4/12/92 US 45m 11) MP3 US Dean Anthony 8/28/98 US 60m 12) MP3 US Bill Houston 12/23/95 US 25m 13-1) MP3 US WHLI-AM 1100 Dean Anthony 11-30-99 10:05-11:37 AM US 92m 1 of 2 13-2)  MP3 US Dean Anthony 11-30-99 12:15-1:15 PM 60m 2 of 2 14) MP3 US Joe Sata 10/7/07 60m 15) MP3 US Paul Richards 10/7/07 46m

NY093 MP3 Rochester Contemporary Morning Drive Composite 57m
1) WCMF 96.5 AOR Chuck Ingersoll 4/4/79 6:44 AM
2) WMJQ Magic 92.5 AOR Doug James 11/21/78 and 3/8/79 3) WBBF-AM 950 Top 40 Jack Palvino 11/22/78 6:48 AM
4) WBBF-AM 950 Han Peterson 3/6/79 6:47 AM 5) WHFM-FM99 98.9 Leo Day 11/21/788 7 AM
6) WHFM FM 99 No Name 3/15/79 6:50 AM 7) WVOR 100.5 R100 Solid Gold Radio Jim Kelly 12/1/78 6:47 AM
8) WVOR Jack Palvino 3/7/79 6:47 AM 9) WBBF-AM 950 Steve Day 4/1/79 10) WWWG-AM 1460 Gary Wall 4/4/79 6:51 AM 11) WHAM-AM 1180 Jack & George 3/15/79 6:55 AM MISC: 12) CFTR-AM 680 Toronto Red Knight Studio 68 3/31/79
13) WKFM Fulton NY Automated 3/79 14) WBEN-FM Rock 102 Automated 3/79

NY094 MP3 Rochester On Parade Composite 47m 7/21-7/24/85:

    • WVOR 100.5 John Elliot 7/21/85 9:40 PM
    • WCMF 96.5 No Name 7/22/85 8:55 AM
    • WPXY 97.8 Tom Mitchell 7/22/85 5:50 PM
    • WMJQ Q92.5 Major Tom & Mark Cronin 7/22/85 6:40 PM
    • WKCZ KC99 New Country Drew Finney 7/23/85 9:04 PM
    • WBEN Buffalo Rock 102 Keith Del Castro 7/23/85 7:26 PM
    • WDKX 103.9 Strong Songs Gerald McBride 7/23/85 8:17 PM
    • WGR-FM 96.9 Jim Miller 7/23/85 9:34 PM
    • WKBW-AM 1520 Buffalo Tom Shannon 7/24/85 9:40 AM

NY094A CD US WPXY 97.9 Eric G. 7/18/93

NY095 MP3 Scoped Summer In NYC June 1970 WABC Dan Ingram, Ron Lundy, Bruce Morrow & Jim Nettleton, WOR-FM Al Brady, Mark Jackson & Tommy Edwards, WCBS-FM Bob Lewis, Steve Clark, Gus Gossert & Bobby Wayne, WMCA Ed Baer  53m

NY096 C90 10 Years Of NY Radio

NY097 C60 Various scoped

      • WABC Dan Ingram 1/25/66& 3/22/66
      • WTRX Casey Jones 8/65
      • KLVI Johnny Janot 12/80
      • KSOL Sly Stone 1967
      • KOMA Paul Miller 7/23/65

NY098-1 C60 & CD NY FM Rock Radio Composite (October 23-24, 1978)

      • WPLJ: Tony Pigg
      • WYNY: John Vidaver
      • WPIX-FM: Mark Simone
      • WBAB: Alan Duke
      • WNEW-FM: Dennis Elsas
      • WLIR: Pam Merly
      • NY098-2
      • (Mary Ann under the name Beth Marshall) WYNY 9/3/77
      • Mary Ann at WYNY 10/5/77
      • Mary Ann at WGBB 12/28/78
      • Mary Ann at WNEW-AM 1/3/79

NY098B CD Scoped Various 4/13/79

      • WBAB Alan Duke & Bill Andres
      • WLIR-FM Pam Merly
      • WBLI No Name

NY098A C90 & CD WPLJ JJ Kennedy 5/3/85 & 11/28/87

NY099 MP3 The NY AC Battle Heats Up Scoped Composite 60m (January 24-26, 1984)

      • WLTW: Rosemary Young, Cliff Powers, Phil Radow, Al Bernstein, Batt Johnson
      • WPIX-FM: Alfredo Santos, Mike Moran & Phil Krantz, Dick Summer, Steve Harris, Lee Hamilton.
      • WYNY: Bruce Bradley, Carol Mason, Mike McCann, Dan Daniel, Bill St. James, Steve O’Brien

NY100 MP3 Scoped Composite NY FM Rock Wars (August 8 -14, 1983) 57m

      • Z100:Scott Shannon & JR, Christopher Reed, Cat Simon, Jack The Whack, Shawn Hamilton, Stevie Brooks.
      • WAPP: EJ Crummy, Ted Cannarozzi, Chip Hobart, Jeff Bergen, Perry Stone, Amy Wright
      • WPLJ: Jim Kerr, Tony Pigg, Pat St. John, Carol Miller, Mark Coppola, Bob Marrone, Jimmy Fink & Dave Charity

NY101 MP3 WABC The Great NYC Blackout of 1977 with George Michael and Chuck Leonard July 13-14, 1977 1h 36m

NY102 MP3 WNBC The Great NYC Blackout of 1977 with Dick Summer July 14,1977 11:45 PM-12:15 AM 30m

NY103 MP3 Various The Great NYC Blackout of 1977 Composite July 13 & 14 1977 62m

NY104 C60 and MP3 WPLJ Hour #48 The 15 Years of Album Rock 4/22/79 10-11PM

NY105-1 MP3 WPLJ-FM US Pat St. John 8/28/75 46m

NY105-2 MP3 WPLJ-FM US Jim Kerr 4-15-77 US 23m

NY105-3 MP3 and C60 US WPLJ-FM Zacherle 10/6/77 60m

NY105A MP3 and CD The WPLJ Composite Jan 1-7,1979

      • 1) David Fontino
      • 2) Jimmy Fink
      • 3) Zacherle
      • 4) Pat St. John
      • 5) Tony Pigg
      • 6) Carol Miller
      • 7) Bob Marrone
      • 8) Dave Charity
      • 9) WPLJ Jimmy Fink Interviews Billy Joel 3/3/80

NY105B CD US 45m WPLJ 10/28/85 Power 95 Fast Jimi Roberts

NY105C CD US 45m WPLJ 6/21/91 MOJO Radio AJ Hammer

NY105D CD US 45m WPLJ Al Bandiero “Saturday Nite ’70s”

NY105E-1 CD and MP3 WPLJ Tony Pigg 6/2/77 60m 

NY105E-2 CD and MP3 WPLJ Jim Kerr and Tom Morgan 8/29/75 45m

NY105F C90 US WPLJ Scott Shannon 5/91 1st Show

NY105G C90 US WPLJ Scott Shannon MOJO Radio 4/91 and another show 4/11/01

NY105H C90 & CD X 2 US WPLJ Dick Summer 4/73

NY105I MP3 & CD US WPLJ John Zacherle 9/18/75 60m

NY105J MP3 US 1) WAPP  Bruce Figler 6/15/82 46m 2) WPLJ Marc Coppola & Bob Marrone 6/15/82

NY105K-1 CD X 2 WPLJ Peter Bush 11/24/84

NY105K-2 CD WPLJ Peter Bush 12/31/84

NY105L CD WPLJ AJ Hammer 9/83 (70’s Weekend)

NY105M MP3 WPLJ Kristy McIntyre 12/19/95 US 30m

NY105N MP3 US WPLJ Cleo Rowe 7/16/87 1h 37m

NY105O MP3 US WPLJ Rocky Allen 1/20/99 Last Show 1h 39m

NY105P CD X 2 WPLJ Dave Charity 8/19/82


NY105R CD US WPLJ Power 95 Willie B. Goode 7/7/85

NY105S CD US WPLJ Jimmy Fink 7-2-83

NY105T CD US WPLJ Jimmy Fink Electric Breakfast 1982

NY105U CD US WPLJ Tony Banks 2/4/95

NY105V MP3 US WPLJ Home of the Hits Jimmy Fink and Pat St. John 7/4/83 48m

NY106 CD 1) WNYG-AM Matt Craig Summer 1980 2) Goodbye WTFM, Hello WAPP

NY106A CD WTFM John Anthony 1/27/67

NY106B CD WTFM No Name 4/7/79

NY106C CD WTFM No Name 3/10/78

NY106D US MP3 WTFM T103 No Name March 1982 26m

NY107 C60 X 2 WCBS-FM Rock ‘N Roll Radio Greats Reunion August 18th-19th 1984 featuring:

      • Harry Harrison
      • Joe O’Brien
      • Ron Lundy
      • Dan Ingram
      • Jack Spector
      • Charlie Greer
      • Dean Anthony
      • Herb Oscar Anderson
      • Bruce Morrow
      • Bob Lewis

NY108 C90 WCBS-FM Rock ‘N Roll Radio Greats Reunion, 8/18/84 Dan Ingram Scoped

NY109 C90 WCBS-FM Rock ‘N Roll Radio Greats Reunion, 8/18/84 Charlie Greer Scoped

NY110 MP3-CD X 4-C90 X 2 WCBS-FM Zacherle’s 1st Halloween Party 10/31/84

NY111 C90 X 2 WCBS-FM Zacherle’s 2nd Halloween Party 10/31/85
Both the 1984 and 1985 airchecks are unscoped

NY112 C60 US WHTZ Z100 First Day 8/2/83

NY112A MP3 Scoped WHTZ Happy First Birthday Z100! Opens with narration and Diane Prior, then goes to the Z Morning Zoo: Scott Shannon, Ross Brittain, Clare Stevens, J.R. Nelson, Capt Kevin, Mr.Leonard, JJ McKay, Shadow Stevens, Steve Miller, Hollywood Hamilton and Jack The Whack

NY113 Scoped Composite WAPP 18m

      • WAPP EJ Crummy & Mark McEwen 1st show 10/11/82
      • Joe Krauss 6/14/82
      • Michael Stevens 6/15/82

NY114 C60 & C90 X 2 WHTZ Happy 4th Birthday Z100! 6AM-12PM These 3 cassettes are a scoped birthday party

NY115 C90 WHTZ

      • Zoo Phantom Tapes 1984
      • Ross Brittain Z106 9/16/84
      • Half-Scoped Zoo 8/85 

NY115A MP3 and CD US WHTZ JJ McKay 1984 45m

NY115B CD WHTZ Joe Davis & Susan Leigh Taylor 11/87

NY115C CD X 2 WHTZ Adam Curry “The MTV Guy” 3/29/89

NY115D MP3 Jack Da Whack and Hollywood Hamilton April 1984 90m US

NY115E MP3 US Christopher Reed April 1984 60m

NY116 MP3 and C60 WHTZ The 1988 Morning Zoo Tapes/Arista Records

NY117 MP3 US WHTZ Susan Leigh Taylor last show 7/28/89 1h 30m

NY118 C90 US 1) WHTZ Z100 Ross Brittain Returns 4th Show 3/12/87 45m 2) WNEW-FM Dennis Elsas Tribute to Bob Lewis 2/7/87 45m

NY118A C60 & C90 US WHTZ Z100 20th Anniversary 8/2/03 8:30-11 PM

NY118B CD  This series is the Morning Zoo Greatest Hits. Just for reference, they are not stored with the regular NY airchecks. Make sure you specify in the BLUE TOP Container. (Letters B through M)
1) Volume One 1985
2) Volume Two 1986
3) Volume Three 1987
4) Volume Four 1988
5) Volume Five 1989
6) Volume Six 1990
7) Volume Seven 1991
8) Volume Eight 1992

NY118C CD Scoped WHTZ Z100 20 Years for 20 Bucks 2003
1) 1st hour sign on 8/2/83
2) Mid-day montage
3) Friday 5 O’Clock Whistle Tribute
4) Night Show Montage
5) The Original Z Morning Zoo 1985
6) Scott Shannon Leaves 1/18/89
7) Elvis Duran Afternoon Show 10/1991
8) Jack Da Whack Last Show Mid September 1992
9) Nights with The Jammer 1989
10) Brooklyn’s Own Kid Kelly
11) Z100 Jingle Montage
12) Z100 Sweepers and ID Montage
13) New Yorks #1 Hit Music Station 2003

NY118D MP3 and CD Semi-Scoped WHTZ Z100 Danny Hernandez AKA Ray Rossi Summer 1983 32m

NY118E MP3 and CD US WHTZ Z100 JJ McKay 1984

NY118F CD US WHTZ Z100 Jack Da Whack 11/25/85

NY118G CD US WHTZ Z00 Jack Da Whack 12/10/86

NY118H CD US WHTZ Z100 Morning Zoo 6/4/87

NY118I CD X 2 US WHTZ Z100 Magic Matt Allan 3/16/88

NY118J CD US WHTZ Z100 Elvis Duran Top 30 Countdown 2/12/95

NY118K CD US WHTZ Z100 Human Numan 4/4/99

NY118L CD and MP3 US WHTZ Z100 Mo Bounce 1st Show 9/8/09 87m

NY118M CD X 2 MP3 X 3 US WHTZ Z100 Top 100 of 2011 12/30/2011 10h

NY118N MP3 US WHTZ Z100 Shelly Wade 2/17/04 47m

NY118O MP3 Semi-scoped WHTZ Z100 Z Morning Zoo with Elvis Duran, Christine Nagy and Elliot 9/29/98 2h 46m

NY119 C90 & CD X 2 US WCBS-FM Roby Yonge 2/13/70

NY120 C90 & CD X 2 US WCBS-FM Max Kinkle 9/93

NY121 CD WCBS-FM Max Kinkle 3/27/94 30m Scoped

NY122 CD WCBS-FM Max Kinkle 3/24/94 9m Scoped

NY123 C90 US WPIX-FM Bob Dayton 7/27/72

NY124 C90 WNEW-FM Neer & Harris playing a joke by playing a song at the begining of their show 1/13/03

NY125 C90 WNEW-FM First day of stunting 1/26/03

NY126 C90 X 3 & CD X 6 US WCBS-FM Harry Harrison’s Last Show Broadcast Live From MTR 3/19/03Last Show/Broadcast Liv

NY127 C100 US WQCD Batt Johnson 11/28/02 and Dennis Quinn 3/10/03 US

NY127A CD US WQCD Batt Johnson 10/31/04

NY127B CD US WQCD Batt Johnson 12/15/04

NY127C CD US WQCD Batt Johnson 6/5/05

NY127D MP3 CD US WQCD Robin Marshall 10-2 10/15/05

NY127E MP3 CD US WQCD Batt Johnson 6-10AM 12/26/05

NY127F CD US WQCD Bill Buchner 3rd Show 3/7/07

NY127G CD US WQCD Robin Marshall 5/12/07

NY128 C120 US WOR-AM Jim Kerr 3/18/03

NY129 C60 US WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr 3/22/03

NY129A C60 US WPIX-FM Jim Kerr 10/3/77 1st Show

NY129B C90 & CD US

    • WMXV Mix 105 Jim Kerr 3/8/93
    • WQCD CD101.9 Jim Kerr 1/27/97

NY130 MP3 US WKHK Kick 106 Joel Sebastian January 1984 31m

NY130A CD US WKHK Larry Kenney 11/28/80 56m

NY131 C90 US WHTZ Lisa Taylor & Paul “Cubby”Bryant 1/99

NY132 C90 X 2 and MP3 CD WCBS-FM Ron Lundy Last Show 9/18/97

NY133 CD X 2 US WMXV Stunting at “Arrow 105.1” Starsky and Hutch 4/1/94 90m

NY133A CD WDBZ The New Buzz 105 5/22/97

NY133B CD US WTJM Jammin 105 Carol Ford & Yo Sunny Joe 1991

NY133C CD US WMXV Mix 105.1 Dan Taylor 6/27/96 4:55-5:40 PM 45m

NY133C-1 MP3 US WMXV Mix 105.1 Dan Taylor 11/11/96 4-4:43 PM 43m

NY133D CD US WNSR 105.1 NY’s Soft Rock Dan Taylor December 1991

NY135 CD “NINE!” and “NINETY-NINE!! Thanks to Famous Amos for sending me this CD…I had a millionth generation tape copy that was awful! These two “airchecks” are so Orwellian it’s not funny; the state of radio today is just as Buzznet Media predicted!

NY134 CD X 2 US WKTU 92.3 1) G. Keith Alexander September 1980 30m 2) Jim Harlan February 1981 30m 3) Paco Navarro Fall 1978 35m 4) No Name 7/28/82 35m

NY136 C90 US WXRK Greaseman 3/23/94

NY136A CD WXRK Greaseman 8/2/95 Scoped

NY136B CD and MP3 US WXRK KRock 92.3 A Tribute To Allison Steele Hosted by Vin Scelsa 9/27/95 66m

NY136C CD X 2 US WXRK KRock 92.3 Howard Stern 9/11/01

NY136D CD US WXRK KRock 92.3 Howard Stern Last Show 7:20-8:40 AM

NY136E CD X 2 WXRK Howard Stern 1st show 11/18/85 6-7:30 AM

NY137 45m WLTW Rick Sommers 2/16/03

NY138 C90 & CD X 2 WCBS-FM Pat St. John 4/18/13 US

NY139 C90 US WCBS-FM Steve O’Brien 5/10/03 (In for Dan Ingram)

NY140 45m Various (Listed in order)11/8/82

      • WPLJ Jim Kerr
      • WYNY Bruce Bradley
      • WCBS-FM Harry Harrison
      • WPIX-FM Mike Wade
      • WNBC Big Ron O’Brien
      • WAPP Mark McEwen & EJ Crummy

NY141-1 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 The Apple US Joe Krause with the commercial free summer 6/15/82 90m

NY141-2 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 The Apple Bruce Figler 6/15/82 50m

141-3 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 The Apple Micheal Stevens 1982 45m

141-4 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 The Apple Garth Hemp 1982 45m

NY141-5 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 The Apple Amy Wright 1982 27m

NY141-6 MP3 US WAPP 103.5 Chip Hobart 1/3/83 32m

NY141 CD and MP3 US WAPP Harry Nelson 1/17/85

NY141A CD and MP3 US WAPP Charlie Berger 8/14/86 Last Days as a Rock/AC Station

NY141B CD US WAPP The Apple Hot 103 Kelly West 2/19/86

NY141C CD US WAPP The Apple No Name and WHN Dan Taylor 8/82

NY141D CD US WAPP The Apple Chip Hobart w/Sunday 60’s 11/22/82

NY141E CD US WAPP Harry Nelson 11/11/85

NY141F CD US WAPP Charlie Berger w/guest Dr. Demento
11/18/85 15m

NY141G CD US WAPP Gary Spears 12/31/84

NY141H CD US WAPP RJ Harris 2/18/85

NY141i MP3 US WAPP Classic 103 Charlie Berger w/Lou O’Neal news 8/14/86 45m

NY141J MP3 Semi-Scoped WAPP Composite: The Big Hits 103 Chip Hobart and Al Vertucci 10/5/84, Chip Hobart 10/6/84, Hot 103 Kelly West 6/5/86, Hot 103 Charlie Burger 1/14/86 61m

NY141K MP3 US WAPP Big Hits 103 Rufus Hurt (1 break) and Bobby Ocean December 1985 47m

NY142 C90 & CD X 2 US WCBS-FM Bruce Morrow 5/24/03

NY143 CD US WCBS-FM Ed Baer 5/31/03 (Filling in for Pat St. John who was filling in for Bruce Morrow who was filling in for Norm N. Nite at the Hall of Rock & Roll in Cleveland) 

NY144 CD x 10 WABC Rewound 2003 5/25/03

NY144-A 6AM Harry Harrison 1972-1973

NY144-B 7AM Ron Lundy 12/75

NY144-C 8AM Bruce Morrow 12/31/69

NY144-D 9AM Chuck Dunaway 1961

NY144-E 10AM Dan Ingram 7/78, 11AM Bob Lewis 1/1/68

NY144-F 1-2PM Howard Hoffman 12/20/79, 1PM Station Demo 3/73, Dan Ingram 4/7/70

NY144-G 2PM Chuck Leonard 11/26/68

NY144-H 3PM Dan Ingram 12/7/72

NY144-I 4PM Bruce Morrow 1/1/68, 5PM Dan Ingram 5/6/70

NY144-J 6PM Talk Show w/Phil Boyce

NY145 C90 US WPIX-FM Tim Byrd 9/85

NY146 CD 07:01 Lee Chambers Composite 1) WPGC Fall 1983 2) WNBC Summer 1986 3) WNBC Time Machine 1987 4) KOLA Fall 2002

NY147 C90 US WLTW JJ Kennedy 7/29/03 “Lite At Nite” (About 10 minutes into this aircheck, a dedication is made from “Beth to her pesky brother Matt…guess I’m stuck with you.” Well, that is from JJ to me! Her first radio name was “Beth Marshall” at WYNY 97 in 1977.(See NY098) JJ has a son named Matt, and since I’m no teenager, I became her “younger brother.” Thanks JJ…you’re a class act, a great  personality, and a great “big sister!”)

NY147A C90 US WLTW JJ Kennedy 7/29/03 with another great dedication.

NY147B CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 10/23/03 with another dedication, this time for my daughter Melissa, on her 3rd birthday! Thanks JJ!

NY147C CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 3/18/04 with a dedication for my birthday, from my “sister, Beth to her brother Matt.” My birthday is actually in February! Better late than never!

NY147D CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 7/14/04 with another great dedication from “sister Beth to brother Matt” in regards to the WNBC/WYNY Reunion

NY147E CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 10/21/04 with a dedication to my daughter Melissa for her 4th birthday! She even mentions her “Aunt Beth!”

NY147F CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 1/5/05 with a dedication to my daughter Michelle on her 9th Birthday from her family and of course her “Aunt Beth!”

NY147G CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 2/17/05 with a birthday dedication to “my brother Matt, from sister Beth.”

NY147H CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 7/7/05 with a “summer” dedication to me and my famliy, from my “sister Beth.”

NY147I CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 10/20/05 with a birthday dedication to my daughter Melissa on her 5th birthday from her family and her “Aunt Beth”

NY147J CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 12/12/05 with a birthday dedication to my wife Marcy on her birthday from her family and favorite “sister-in-law, Beth.”

NY147K CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 5/8/06 with a Beginning Of Summer BBQ Dedication

NY147L CD US WLTW JJ Kennedy 9/28/06 with an Autumn dedication to her favorite extended family…ME!

NY148 MP3 US Blackout Coverage 1) WCBS-AM Tony Guida and Pat Carroll 5-6:20 PM 8/14/03 80m  2) WCBS-FM Dan Taylor 3-3:40 AM 8/15/03

NY149 30 minutes WNEW-FM Christmas Carol 12/25/80

NY150 C90 WQHT/WYNY Format and Frequency Flip September 22, 1988

NY151 C90 Random Z100 Airchecks from 1986

NY151A C90 US WHTZ Spyder Harrison as “The Jammer” 3/24/88 and 8/1/97

NY151B C60 US WHTZ JoJo Morales 8/3/03

NY152 C90 US WPLJ 9/79 Dave Charity-hosting a “Who” music special.

NY153 US MP3 and CD X 2 WNEW Flips from Stunting AC Format to the first “Blink FM” Todd Newton 4/10/03 90m (Also see NY124/125)

NY153A US CD X 2 WNEW Blink Morning Show 4/11/03

NY153B CD X 2 MP3 90m US WNEW-FM 102.7 Automated Christmas Music 12/9/03

NY154A C90 and CD X 2 US WNEW-FM 9/11/03 Rick Stacy

NY154B C90 US WNEW-FM 9/16/03 The “New Blink” Music Women Love, no jocks, only recorded liners

NY154D CD US WNEW-FM “The New Mix 102.7” 10-11:20AM with the change at 10:27 AM 12/26/03 The “NEW Mix 102.7”

NY154E CD US WNEW-FM Mix 102.7 Rick Sommers into Kim Ashley 5/9/04 11 AM-12:18 PM 1h 18m

NY155 CD WMCA “The Good Guys Sing!” You have to hear it to belive it!

NY156A CD MP3 WABC Rewound 1999

NY156B CD MP3 WABC Rewound 2000

NY156C CD MP3 WABC Rewound 2001

NY157 CD MP3 WABC Rewound 2002

NY158 C90 & CD X 2 WOR-FM Tommy Edwards 12/31/70

NY159 C90 & CD WABC Bruce Morrow 7/17/73

NY160 C90 & CD US WABC Ron Lundy 12/25/75

NY161 C90 X 3 A Career Retrospective: Steve O’Brien

    • WEAM 12/64
    • WKZO TV 65 12/65
    • WKFR 12/65
    • WKNR 7/66
    • WKFR 7/66
    • WKNR 1/67
    • WPOP 5/68
    • WIBG 11/68
    • WPOP 2/69
    • WKNR 1/68
    • WPOP 5/69
    • CKFH 1/70
    • WOR-FM 5/70
    • WNHC 8/70
    • WINZ 10/70-2/71-4/71
    • WCBS-FM 1/72
    • WHYI Y100 1/74
    • CKLW 3/74
    • KDWB
    • WABC 1/75-7/76-8/76-1/22/78
    • WYNY 4/79, 9/81, 9/84, 7/86

NY162 CD 50 minutes WCBS-FM Steve O’Brien 9/99, 10/99, 9/2/00

NY163 C60 US 1) WALK Freddie Colon 5/30/03 15 minutes of his last show, and 15 minutes of KT MIlls 2) WQCD-FM CD101.9 Batt Johnson filling in for the morning show 10/31/03

NY164 C90 US WPLJ Tony Pigg & Carol Miller 6/2/77

NY165 C90 & CD X 2 US WPLJ Pat St. John 8/28/75 & Tony Pigg 4/4/79

NY166 C60 & CD US WNEW-FM Alison Steele 10/18/82

NY166A CD US WNEW-FM Dennis Elsas 4/5/79

NY166B CD US WNEW-FM Jim Monaghan & Pam Merly 7/3/81

NY166C CD X 2 WNEW-FM Encore Performance of Harry Chapin Live From The Bottom Line with intros by Scott Muni and ID’s by Vin Scelsa 7/20/81

NY166D CD US WNEW-FM Dave Herman Returns 1/2/97

NY166E C90 & CD X 2 WNEW-FM Jonathon Schwartz, Scott Muni, Rosko and Alison Steele 1971 (BONUS: WABC Dan Ingram 1976!)

NY167 C60 & CD US WXRK-FM Alison Steele 4/7/90

NY168 C60 US WXRK-FM Alison Steele 4/27/95

NY169 MP3 CD US WCBS-FM Chuck Leonard 12/14/97 filling in for Bobby Jay.

NY170 MP3 CD US WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr 1st AM Show 10/7/03 and 2nd Show 10/8/03

NY170A CD US WAXQ Scott Muni & Maria Milito 7/10/03

NY170B MP3 US WAXQ Q104 Pat St. John 1st Show 12/6/03 60m

NY171 C90 US WPLJ Jamie Lee 11/7/03

NY171A C90 US WPLJ Rich Kaminski 1/8/04

NY171B C90 US WPLJ Christine Richie 1st Show 1/12/04

NY171C CD US WPLJ Jamie Lee Sat. Nite ’80s 7/28/07

NY172 CD X 2 US WNEW-FM “Listen To This Radio Show-John Lennon” Guest DJ with Dennis Elsas 9/28/74

NY172A CD X 2 US WPLJ 6/6/71 John Lennon and Yoko Ono

NY173 CD 60m US Westwood One Special: Beatle Brunch…Originally broadcast the weekend of 9/14&15/2002

NY174 CD US WCBS-FM 6/19/04 Bill Rock

NY176 CD US WCBS-FM 7-6/14-21/03 Dan Daniel Returns

NY177 CD X 3 US WMCA Lee Gray 12/31/68

NY178 CD 45m US WQHT Hot 97 Tim Byrd 5/89

NY179A CD WQHT Hot 97 Howard Hoffman and Stephanie Miller 8/90

NY179B CD Scoped WQHT Montage 1986-1992 (Includes Tim Byrd’s last show before leaving for Phoenix)

NY180 CD WPLJ Composite 11/18/93
Here’s a look back at a complete day at PLJ!

NY181 CD WPLJ Fast Jimi Roberts 2/28/98 Live Remote from Coconuts on Grammy Night! A great CD with some surprises!

NY181A C90 WWPR Power 95 Rich Stevens 4/28/88

NY182 CD Scoped Various 57m

    • WPLJ Power 95 ID
    • Willie B. Goode 8/29/86
    • Greg Thunder 4/4/90
    • WQHT Hot 97 Howard Hoffman and Stephanie Miller 12/7/89
    • Bill Lee 5/89 & 12/5/89

NY183 MP3 Scoped Various 37m

    • WHTZ Friday 5 O’Clock Whistle The Shadow 1984 US
    • WCBS-FM Dan Ingram 5/9/98 & 4/99
    • WEEX Jingles and Bad Billy James 1977
    • WIFI/WLS Shotgun Jingles

NY184 CDX6 US WNEW-FM 5/22/97 Pretending It’s 5/22/72 Various air personalities including Carol Miller, Jonathon Schwartz and Allison Steele.

NY185 CD US WNYS-FM Hot 104 Buffalo 11/16/85, Charlie Anzalone Live From Mulligans Pub

NY185A CD US WNYS-FM 1974 Hot 104 Charlie Anzalone Live From Mulligans Pub

NY186 CD US WGRQ-FM Buffalo 3/3/74 Rufus Coyotee

NY187 CD US WKBW 2/24/64 Dan Neaverth and Joey Reynolds

NY187A CD US WBLK-FM George “Hound” Lorenz Summer 1962

NY187B CD X 3 WHTT Radio Greats Reunion Weekend 11/17/96 Features DJ’s from many of Buffalo’s great radio stations

NY187C CD X 2 and MP3 WGRF 97 Rock Buffalo Megan Davis 12/24/94

NY188 CD US WKTU Charlie Berger 4/22/04

NY189 CD US WKBW Jackson Armstrong 1971-1973

NY189A MP3 Scoped WKBW Jackson Armstrong May 1975 21m

NY190 CD US WKBW Joey Reynolds and Bob Diamond 2/22/64

NY190A MP3 & CD US WKBW Recreation of The War Of The Worlds 1971 with Jefferson Kaye and Jackson Armstrong 64m

NY191 CD US MP3 12 Hours of WABC 2004 Rewound!

NY192 CD US MP3 2 Hours of Rewound Talk Show!

NY192A CD US MP3 12 Hours of WABC 2005 Rewound! including the Talk Show with Harry Harrison and Bruce Morrow!

NY193 CD X 2 US WNEW-FM The New Mix 102.7 AC Format Rick Stacy 1/8/04 6:10-7:40 AM

NY194 WNEW-FM CD X 2 US Yvonne Velasquez 9-9:45AM 3rd Show and Todd Newton 2-2:45 PM 1/8/04

NY195 C90 US WNEW-FM Rick Sommers 1/11/04

NY196 C90 US WNEW-FM Smoky Rivers (PD) 1/11/04

NY197 C90 X 2 WNEW-FM Gregg Daniels and Lynn Hoffman 1/12/04 (1st Show)

NY198 CD US WNEW-FM Kim Ashley 1/30/04

NY199 CD US WNEW-FM Carol Ford 2/2/04

NY199A CD X 2 US WNEW-FM Paco Lopez 4:15-5:45 PM 8/26/04

NY199B C90 US WNEW-FM Efren Sifuentes 8/27/04

NY199C C60 US WNEW-FM Rick Stacy & RuPaul 1st Show 9/10/04

NY200 CD MP3 4 Hours US WCBS-FM 10/9/04 The Return Of Harry Harrison

NY201 CD X 2 WLIR John DiBella 8/2/82

NY201A CD X 2 WLIR Donna Donna 2/27/82

NY201B CD WLIR Larry The Duck 11/7/82

NY201C C90 X 3 The End of WLIR

    • 1/8/04 Bill Powers and Andre 90m
    • 1/8/04 Night Show and 1/9/04 AM Drive 90m
    • 1/9/04 10:30-11:15AM and just after the flip to
    • Spanish 12:05-12:50 PM

NY201D CD X 2 WLIR Gary Ravioli & Susan Browning into Malibu Sue 5/24/96

NY201E CD X 2 WLIR 8/12/96

NY201F C90 US WMJC JoJo introducing Malibu Sue 1st Show 1/8/04

NY202 CD X 3 Radio Albany Internet Radio 7/23/0  Herb Oscar Anderson Live From Saratoga Racetrack

NY203 CD X 2 WWKB Sandy Beach 8/6/03

NY203A CD WWKB Dan Neaverth 8/22/05

NY203B CD WWKB Jackson Armstrong 8/22/05

NY203C CD WWKB Steve Mitchell 10/15/05

NY204 MP3 CD Beatles Weekend Feb 6-8, 2004


    • WCBS-FM Dan Taylor, Bruce Morrow, Mike McCann
    • WFUV-FM Pete Fornatale, Dennis Elsas

NY206 MP3 CD Various

    • WPLJ Dick Summer 4/73
    • Dave Charity & Pat St. John 5/84
    • WNBC Jack Spector 7/5/69
    • Bill Rock 3/4/75
    • Dick Summer 3/5/75
    • Murray The K 8/3/73
    • WOR-FM Scotty Brink as JJ Jordan 8/8/68

NY207 C90 X 2 WNCN Classical Changes format to Rock WQIV 1974 and WNCN Classical Changes format to Rock WAXQ 12/17/93 (Also available edited as one CD)

NY207A MP3 US WAXQ Q104.3 12/19/93 90m

NY208 C90 WMXV Mix 105 Various and jingles from WMXV and WNSR. Also Blink 102.7 to 102.7 Blink FM

NY209 C90 & CD (edited) US WABC-FM Brother John 4/69

NY210 C90 & CD US WNEW-FM Carol Miller 6/29/82, WXRK-FM Alison Steele 4/7/90

NY210A CD US WXRK Jimmy Fink 1986

NY212 C90 US WPLJ Pat St. John 8/28/75 & CD (edited) Jim Kerr/Tom Morgan 8/29/75

NY213 CD X 10 US WLTW A Day In The Lite FM & Then Some!

    • 10/21/04 Al Bernstein
    • Valerie Smaldone
    • Steve Roy
    • JJ Kennedy
    • 10/22/04 Victor Sosa
    • Bill Buchner
    • 10/23/04 Karen Carson
    • 10/24/04 Herb Barry
    • 10/31/04 Jack Kratoville
    • 11/1/04 Rick Hunter

NY214 CD X 5 US WHTZ Z100 A Day At The Z! 11/4-5/04

      • Morning Zoo and Shelly Wade
      • Paul “Cubby” Bryant
      • Romeo
      • Joe Rosati
      • KC101 jock Mike “Jagger” Thomas then into Niko

NY215 CD X 8 A Few Days With WPLJ 11/11-14/04

      • Dave Stewart
      • Scott & Todd Big Show
      • Rich Kaminski
      • Race Taylor
      • Christine Richie
      • Lani Ford
      • Joey Kramer
      • David Simpson (he never says his name!)

NY216 CD WBLI Larry Adams & Dan Stevens 3/85

NY216A CD US WBLI Don Nelson “Sunday Night Oldies” 4/82

NY217 CD WBLI Bill Terry 8/27/96

NY218 MP3 & CD X 3

    • WQCD CD101.9 11/22/04 Format Tweak
    • Smooth Jazz w/Paul Cavalconte 11/22/04 7-8:20 AM 
    • Smooth Jazz w/Paul Cavalconte crossing over with Deborah Rath 11/22/04 9:55-11:10 AM
    • Start of “Chill 101.9” w/Deborah Rath and PD Blake Lawrence 11:55 AM-1:105 PM. The station says it is an evolution of the format, and that they are adding new artists and music genres.

NY219 CD Scoped 1) WBIC Joe Robers 6/67 2) WADO Slim 1965

NY220 CD Scoped WADO Jocko 12/29/64

NY221 CD X 3 WXRK Recreates 1967 8/16/92
Features Jonathon Schwartz, John Zacherle, Tony Pigg, and Alison Steele.

NY222 CD US WCBS-FM 1/10/25 Mickey Dolenz 1st Show 8:50AM-10:00AM w/some Randy Davis

NY223 C90 US WBLI Al Levine 5/27/04

NY223A CD US WBLI Al Levine 9/29/05 (includes a phone bit with your humble webmaster!)

NY223A-1 MP3 US WBLI Al Levine April 2005 45m

NY223A-2 MP3 US WBLI Al Levine hosts The Lunch Box 11/9/05 35m

NY223B CD US WBLI Al Levine & Tony The Tiger 7/28/97

NY223C CD X 2 US WBLI Al Levine Summer 1998

NY223D CD US WBLI Steve Harper 1/1/82 31m

NY223E MP3 CD US WBLI 106.1 1) Dierdre DeLatta 3/8/08 (Audition Show #1) 2) Al Levine 3/18/08 3) Dierdre DeLatta 3/19/08 (Audition #2) 4) Gabrielle Vaughn 3/29/08 Last Show Part  1

NY223F MP3 CD US WBLI 106.1 1) Gabrielle Vaught 3/29/08 Last Show Part 2 2) WBAB & WBLI April Fools Switcheroo 4/1/08 3) Tim Clarke 4/4/08

NY223G MP3 US CD X 2 WBLI 106.1 1) Al Levine 4/28/08 2) Chloe aka Lisa Gold 1st show 5/11/08 3) Chloe 5/12/08 4) Al Levine 5/22/08 5) Erica Hayden 5/26/08

NY223H CD X 3 US WBLI 106.1 Lisa G 1st Show 10/7/07

NY223I CD US WBLI 106.1 Al Levine 16th Anniversary Show 2/5/11

NY223I-1 MP3 US WBLI Al Levine 3/30/01 3-7 PM

NY223I-2 MP3 US WBLI Al Levine Last Show 6/17/24 10 AM-3 PM

NY223J MP3 CD US WBLI Dana & Jason Last Show 6/29/16 4h

NY223K MP3 US WBLI 106.1  Wendy Wild March 2006 90m

NY226 CD X 2 US WWPR Power 105 Star & Buc Wild 1st Show 1/17/05

NY226A CD US WWPR Power 105 Ed Lover and Cherry Martinez 12/13/04

NY227 MP3 and CD US 26m WBLS 1) Lamarr Renee 4/5/79 and 2) Frankie Crocker 3/80

NY228 MP3 and CD  Scoped Composite Around NY in 7 Days

Part 1: 1) WQCD CD101.9 Sharon Davidson 5/2/05 2) WNEW-FM Mix 102.7 Efren Sifuentes 5/3/05 3) WPLJ 95.5 Race Taylor Live from Walt Disney World 5/5/05 4) WCBS-FM 101.1 Bob Shannon and Bobby Jay 5/5/05 5) WXRK 92.3 KRock Ben Harvey 5/5/05 6) WBLS Vaughn Harper and The Quiet Storm 5/5/05 7) WRKS Kiss 98.7 The Wake Up Club With Jeff Foxx 5/6/05 8) WKTU 103.5 Diane Pryor 5/6/05 9) WLTW 106.9 Lite FM Valerie Smaldone 5/9/05 All are approximately 60 minutes long

NY229 MP3 and CD Scoped Composite Around NY in 2 Days

Part 2: 1) WMJC Island 94.3 Rob Rush 3/28/05 2) WALK-FM 97.5 Scott Miller and KT Mills 3/28/05 3) WKJY KJoy 98.3 Bill Edwards 3/28/05 4) WHTZ Z100 Paul “Cubby” Bryant and Tim “Romeo” Herbster 3/38/05 5) WBLI 106.1  Al Levine and Wendy Wild 3/28/05 6) WLTW Lite FM 106.7 JJ Kennedy 3/28/05 7) WBAB 102.3 Roger Luce and JP Parisi 3/29/05 8) WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr March 3/29/05 All are approximately 60 minutes long

NY230-243 Are all from the Albany Capital area and approximately 79 minutes each.

NY230 MP3 and CD US WPTR-FM 96.3 Classic Country Steve Warren 3/21/66 40m

NY231 MP3 and CD US WYJB 95.5 Buzz Brindle 12/30/93 1st Show 7:48-9 AM 62m

NY232 CD US WFLY 92.3 Ross Brittain 9/5/03

NY233 MP3 and CD X 2 US WGNA 107.7 Buzz Brindle 4/9/05 8-8:45 and 9-9:45 AM 90m

NY234 CD US WFLY 92.3 Candy & Potter 4/11/05

NY235 CD US WYJB 95.5 Chuck & Kelly 4/12/05

NY235A US CD X 4 WYJB 95.5 Tribute to Boom Boom Branigan 6/24/06 Each CD length is approximately 77-79 minutes

NY236 CD US WEGQ 93.7 The Eagle Chris Holmberg 4/12/05

NY237 CD US WTRY 98.3 John & Amy 4/14/05

NY238 CD US WABT 104.5 The Buzz AJ & Trudy 4/13/05

NY239 CD US WPYX 106.5 Wakin’ Up With The Wolf 4/14/05

NY240 CD US WRVE 99.5 The River Randi & Tred 4/14/05

NY241 CD US WQBK 103.9 The Edge Jeff Mrozek 4/20/05

NY242 C US WRCZ 94.5 JR Gach 4/25/05

NY243 CD US WKKF 102.3 Kiss FM DJ Thomas 5/5/05

NY244 CD US WNEW-FM Sunny Joe Allen 5/05

NY245 CD X 2 Scoped WQHT Hot 103 Station Composite 1988-1990

NY245A CD US WQHT Hot 103 Al Bandiero and Bill Lee 1/20/87

NY245B MP3 CD US WQHT Hot 103 Chelsea Lewis (Robin Marshall) 9/86, Freddie Colon 2/8-11/87-10/87, Rufus and Al Bandiero 8/87, Stevens & Grdnic 6/88

NY245C CD US WQHT Hot 97 Mary Thomas August 1989 60m

NY245D CD US WQHT Hot 97 Sue O’Neal and Human Numan September 5-6 1992

NY245E CD WQHT Hot 97 American Dance Tracks with Downtown Judy Brown 4/4/93 20m

NY245F CD US WQHT Hot 97 Paco Lopez 4/4/93 68m

NY245G MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 Al Bandiero 7/4/91 US 93m

NY245H MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 Bill Lee 10/18/89 45m

NY245i MP3 Semi-Scoped WQHT Hot 97 Deborah Rath 7/12/90, Howard Hoffman and Stephanie Miller 8/14/90 and Sue O’Neal 8/14/90 35m

NY245J MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 1) Fast Freddie Colon 10-26-87 56m 2) Fast Freddie Colon October 31,1987 59m 

NY245K MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 Mariah Carey 9/12/97 90m

NY245L MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 3/8/95 1) Wendy Williams 45m 2) Angie Martinez 45m

NY245M MP3 Semi Scoped WQHT Hot 97 Disco Hits Weekend 8/30-9/1/91 Various DJ’s 90m

NY245N MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 Al Bandiero into Bill Lee 1/20/87 40m

NY245O MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 Bill Lee 1/20/87 37m

NY245P MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 Bill Lee 1/24/87 45m

NY245Q MP3 X 2 WQHT Hot 103 Charlie Burger 6/13/87 82m

NY245R MP3 WQHT Hot 103 Freddie Colon 2/14/87 59m

NY245S MP3 Scoped WQHT Hot 103.5 Robin Marshall 1st Show 8/18/86 10m

NY245T US MP3 X 2 WQHT Hot 103 Ron Stevens & Joy Grdnic 6/27/88 84m

NY245U US MP3 WQHT Hot 103 Bill Lee Summer 1988 38m

NY245V US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Al Bandiero with music mixed by Glenn Friscia 12/31/89 1h 4m

NY245W US WQHT Hot 97 Jeff Thomas August 1991 38m

NY245X US MP3 WQHT Hot 103 Saturday Night Dance Party from Studio 54 (no date) US 1h

NY245Y US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Jeff Thomas Early 90’s 29m

NY245Z US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Al Bandiero 6/11/88 20m

NY245AA US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Saturday Night Dance Party 5/11/88 14m

NY245BB US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 SNDP 10/29/88 36m

NY245CC US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 SNDP 8/1/89 1h 16m

NY245DD US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Broadway Bill Lee 4/11/88 60m

NY245EE US MP3 WQHT Hot 97 Broadway Bill Lee 5/11/88 1h 13m

NY245FF MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 Nieci Colon 7/11/88 1h 8m

NY245GG MP3 Scoped WQHT Hot 97 Broadway Bill Lee 1989 14m

NY245HH MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 New Years Eve Dance Party 12/31/86 41m

NY245ii MP3 US WQHT Hot 103 DJ Scott Blackwell and Al Bandiero from Clue D with special guest France Jolie October 1987 45m

NY245JJ MP3 US WQHT Hot 97 American Dance Tracks with Jeff Wyatt 6/11/88 1h 15m

NY246 CD US WYNY Dan Daniel 1/19/84

NY247 US MP3 WRCN 103.9 11/2/06

NY248 CD US WOR-AM Ed Walsh interviews Bruce Morrow 6/6/05 and WFUV-FM Vin Scelsa interviews Bruce Morrow 6/11/05

NY249 MP3 CD US WBZO B103 Bill Wise & Frank Brinka w/Bobby Jay and Don K. Reed

NY249A CD X 4 US WBZO B103 Bobby Jay 8/28/06

NY249B CD X 4 US WBZO B103 Bobby Jay 9/1/06

NY249C CD US WBZO B103 Marty Mitchell 9/4/09

NY249D MP3 & CD US WBZO B103 Jen Wylde 4/8/13 2nd Show 72m

NY250 CD X 4 US WNTQ 93Q 7/26/84

NY251 CD US WAQX 95X Dave Frisina 9/1/88

NY252 CD US WKGW Magic 104 9/1/88

NY253 CD US WNTQ 93Q Tracy Sommers 9/1/88

NY253A MP3 US WNTQ 93Q Gary Dunes 10/12/88 37m

NY254 CD US WYYY Y94 Glenn Gomez Adams 9/1/88

NY255 CD US WKIX 104.7 Carolyn Paisley 9/1/88

NY256 CD US WSEN 92.1 Rick Hunter 9/1/88 and WOUR Tom Starr 9/2/88

NY257 CD US WUUU U102 Leaf Anders 9/2/02

NY258 CD US WKIP-AM 1450 Rich Stevens 7/22/78 and Bob Larson 6/26/74

NY259 CD US WKIP-AM 1450 Rich Stevens 6/5/78

NY260 CD US WKIP-AM 1450 Rich Stevens 6/8/81

NY261H CD US WLTI 105.9 Dave Allen & Dee Collins WBBS B104.7 Ron Bee and Becky Palmer 1/24/03

NY261I CD US WBBS B104.7 Ron Bee & Becky Palmer 1/24/03

NY261J MP3 US WZUN Sunny 102.1 No Name Female 1/21/03 45m

NY261K MP3 US WTKW TK99 Mimi Griswold 1/21/03 45m

NY261L MP3 US WBBS B104.3 No Name Male 1/22/03 45m

NY261M MP3 US WBBS B104.3 Rich Lorber 1/24/03 45m

NY261N MP3 US WSEN Oldies 92.1 Jim Tate and John Carucci 1/24/03 45m

NY261O MP3 US WYYY Y94.5 Tony Falco 1/26/03 45m

NY262 C120 US

    • WTKV TK99/WTKW TK105 Glen Adams & Marnie 4/16/05
    • WNTQ 93Q Ted & Amy 4/19/05

NY263 C120 US WYYY Y94 1) Capt. John Smith 4/20/04 2) Pete & Brenda 4/21/04

NY264 C120 US 4/23/05 WBBS B104.7 Ron & Becky AM Drive and Skip Clark PM Drive

NY265 C90 US 3/8/05 WBBS B104.7 Ron & Becky and WNTQ 93Q

NY266 C90 US WYYY Y94 Rick Gary & Kathy Rowe 3/9/05 and WLTI Lite 105.9 Dave Allan 3/10/05

NY267 C90 US WZUN Sunny 102.1 Ted Bilodeau 3/10/05 and WSCP 101.3 Classic Country Bob Paris 3/11/05

NY268 CD WBLS Steve Harvey Morning Show 6/13/05 8:30-10AM with some commercials edited out

NY269 CD WNEW-FM Mix 102.7 Randy Davis 7/22/05

NY270 MP3 CD WLTW Mike Fitzgerald 6-10AM 8/20/05

NY271 CD US WBLI Reno (2nd to last show) 12:30-1:30PM 9/1/05

NY272 CD US WBLI Reno (Last Show) 2-3PM 9/2/05 (Also available: 10AM-3PM entire show as an MP3 CD)

NY273 CD X 2 US WPDH Reno & Frankenberry (1st Show) 6-7:15 & 9-10:15AM

NY273A CD US WPDH Reno & Frankenberry (2nd Show) 9/7/05

NY273B CD and MP3 WPDH Flashback 1973 and 4/7/95

NY274 MP3 CD

    • WLTW Mike Fitzgerald 1st Show 8/20/05 6-10AM (Recorded from the internet stream by Lauren Esposito, with the annoying stream commercials cut out)
    • WNEW-FM Randy Davis 8/21/05 2nd show 7-10AM

NY275 MP3 CD

    • WPLJ Race Taylor 9/19/05 3:30-7PM Last PM Drive Show
    • WPLJ Rocky Allen 9/20/05 3-7PM 1st Show back with co-host Blaine Ensley

NY276 MP3 CD US WQCD Linda Bruno 10/2/05 9:30-2PM

NY277 CD X 3 WNEW-FM Mix 102.7 The Return of The Legendary Paco Navarro hosting the Saturday Night Request Show 10/8/05

NY278 CD Scoped WBLI Steve Harper & Maria Garcia Last Show as a morning team 10/20/05 and the day after with Steve and Randy 10/21/05

NY278A MP3 CD WALK Maria Garcia 1st Show 4/21/06

NY279 CD US WNEW-FM Sue O’Neal 12/4/05 (Yes, the SAME Sue O’Neal from 99X, WPLJ and Jammin 105!)

NY280 CD US WNEW-FM Joe Causi

NY281 CD x 2 WBLI LJ Lovely 12/29/05 Last regular night show.

NY282 CD WNEW-FM Steven E. Roy 1/14/06 1st ShowNY283 MP3 CD US WNEW-FM Paco Live At The Garden City Hotel 8PM-1AM 3/4/06 and Joe Causi & Brenda K. Starr 7PM-12AM 3/5/06

NY283A MP3 CD WNEW Mix 102.7 Paco & Mix Show 7/8/06 7P-12A and Joe Causi & Brenda K. Starr 7/9/06 6P-12A

NY283B MP3 DVD WNEW Mix 102.7 Joe Causi 8/13/06, Sue O’Neal & Joe Causi 10/8/06, 11/5/06, 11/19/06, 12/3/06


    • WNEW Mix 102.7 Paco’s Sat. Night Dance Party & Mix Show 9/16/06 7P-12A
    • Sue O’Neal-Joe Causi-Brenda K. Starr 9/17/06 5P-12A

NY283D MP3 CD WNEW Mix 102.7 Paco’s Saturday Night Dance Party and Mix Show 10/7/06, 10/21/06

NY283E MP3 DVD Paco’s Saturday Night Dance Party and Mix Show 10/7/06, 10/21/06, 11/3/06, 11/18/06, 12/2/06

NY283F CD X 3 WNEW Mix 102.7 Ray Rossi 5/28/06

NY284 MP3 US WBUF 92.9 Buffalo Dean Saroga “The Dean of Rock” 4/20/04 90m

NY285 MP3 US Buffalo 1) WORF 96.9 97 Rock Slick Tom 1/13/05 9:30-10:15 PM 45m 2) WTSS “My Star”102.5 Dave Edwards 1/13/05 10:30-11:15 PM 45m

NY286 CD X 2 US WBLI Gabrielle Vaughn (Preview Show) 3/11/06

NY287 CD X 5 US WBLI Gabrielle Vaughn (First Regular Show) 3/27/06

NY288 CD US WBAB Roger & JP Morning Show 7-8AM “The Hour of STL Intervention” 5/17/06

NY288A CD US WBAB Roger & JP Morning Show 8-9AM w/traffic guy Ted Lindner showing off his Top 40 talk ups!

NY289 CD US WBLI Wendy Wild 5/8/06 (Wendy’s last show was 5/12 before leaving for WKTU)

NY290 MP3 CD WKTU Wendy Wild 2-6AM and Charlie Burger 6-8AM 6/2/06

NY290A CD X 3 US WKTU Vic Latino Last Show 11/17/06

NY291 CD X 4 WBLI Steve Harper’s last morning show 7/19/06

NY291A CD X 2 WBLI Drew’s 1st Show 4/23/07

NY292 CD US WLNG Dana Callio 2/7/06 (web stream)

NY292A CD X 2 US 1) WLNG Live Remote w/ Paul Sidney 7/15/04 75m 2) Paul Sidney 7/17/04 75m

NY292B CD X 2 US WLNG Bob Shannon and Connie T. Empress Behind The Hits Remember Paul Sidney 4/7/09

NY292C MP3 US WLNG Bill Evans and Jessica Ambrose with Special Guest Jimmy Buffett premiering “My Gummie Just Kicked In.” 7/9/23 47m

NY293 CD WXPK 107.1 The Peak Rob Arrow & Chris Herrman 6/19/06 (some static and fading)

NY294 DVD Audio WNEW Mix 102.7 Legends of Dance Weekend 5/27-28/06 (over 34 hours of unscoped airchecks!)

NY295 MP3 CD X 2 “It’s a HOT, POWERful KISSing Holiday Weekend Special!”

    • 7/3/06 WWPR 2-6AM
    • WRKS 8P-12A
    • WQHT 12-4PM
    • 7/4/06 12-4PM

NY296 CD X 2 WHLI Paul Richards and Joe Sata 8/17/06

NY297 CD WGNY-FM 103.1 John Roberts & Mike Eagan 8/20/04

NY298 WNEW-FM All Unscoped CD’s From The Last Weekend As Mix 102.7

    • Josh Bennett into Paco 6-7:20 PM 12/30/06
    • Paco 7:20-10PM 12/30/06
    • Yo! Sunny Joe 10-11:45 12/30/06 PM
    • Sue O’Neal 5-6 PM into Yo! Sunny Joe 6-6:15 PM 12/31/06
    • Yo! Sunny Joe 6:15-7:30PM 12/31/06
    • Yo! Sunny Joe 7:30-8:45 12/31/06
    • Yo! Sunny Joe 8:45-10 PM 12/31/06
    • Joe Causi New Year’s Eve Dance Party 10-11:20 PM 12/30/06
    • Joe Causi 11:20-12 AM
    • Brandi & Yo! Sunny Joe 12-12:40 AM 12/30/07

NY299 MP3 CD X 2 US WNEW Mix 102.7 Format Flip To WWFS Fresh 102.7 1/02/07

NY300 CD US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Heather Walters 3/6/07

NY301 CD US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Mike Perry into Brandi 3/6/07

NY302 MP3 CD US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Dave Packer 1st Show 4/2/07 6-10 AM

NY303 CD US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Kim Ashley 6/14/07

NY304 CD US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Kristin 10/28/07

NY305 CD X 4 US WBLI 106.1 Adam Axe 11/11/06

NY306 CD X 3 US WFAS 103.9 JJ Kennedy 4/15/07

NY307 CD US WBLI 106.1 Orphan Andrew 7/22/07 Last hour of last show before he moved to sunny San Diego!

Here is a series from the NY Capitol Region of Albany, Troy and Schenectady.

NY308 CD US WYJB 95.5 AC Lynn Wilson 6/28/06

NY309 CD US WFLY 92.3 CHR Christy Taylor 6/28/06

NY310 CD US WABT 104.5 Hot AC Tim Reid 7/8/06

NY311 CD US WKKF 102.3 Kiss FM Rob Davie 7/7/06

NY312 CD US WKLI 100.9 Oldies Bob Greene 7/8/06

NY313 CD US WBOE 94.5 The Bone JR Gach 7/17/06

NY314 CD US WPYX 106.5 Suzanne 7/17/06

NY315 CD US WZMK 104.9 Rock Don Chopps 7/17/06

NY316 CD US WGNA 107.7 Country Buzz Brindle 1/27/07

NY316A CD Scoped WGNA Buzz Brindle 12/31/06

Here is a series from a short vacation trip to Syracuse NY.

NY317 CD US WYYY Y94.5 Dollar Bill 11/13/06 (static & hiss)

NY318 CD US WTKW TK99.5 Classic Rock Mimi Griswold (PD) 11/13/06 (Noise-static-wow and flutter)

NY318A CD US WTKW TK99.5 Mimi Griswold 11/12/07 (wow and flutter)

NY319 CD X 2 US WBBS B104.7 Skip Clark 11/13/06

NY319A CD X 2 US WOLF 100.3 WWLF 96.5 Movin’ Skip Clark 4th Show 3/8/07

NY319B CD X 2 US WOLF 100.3 WWLF 96.5 Nick Caplan 3/17/07

NY320 CD US WTKW TK99.5 Glen “Gomez” Adams & Dave Coombs 11/14/06

NY321 CD X 2 US WYYY Y94.5 Rick Gary & Kathy Rowe (PD) 11/14/06

NY321A CD X 2 US WZUN Sunny 102.1 Rick Gary 2nd Show 1/29/07

NY321A-1 CD US WZUN Sunny 102.1 Rick Gary 11/8/07 Christmas Music 76m

NY321B CD X 5 WFRG Big Frog 104.3 Country Utica-Rome-Syracuse 11/14/06 9:30 AM-3:55 PM Matt Herkimer-Meredith McGreen-Bean Pole

NY322 CD X 2 US WBBS B104.7 Amber Taylor 11/15/06

NY323 CD X 2 US WBBS B104.7 Ron Bee & Becky Palmer 11/15/06

NY323A CD US WBBS B104.7 Ron Bee and Becky Palmer 11/14/07

NY323B CD US WWLF Movin 100.3 Yo Sunny Joe Allen 11/14/07

NY323C CD US WLTI 105.9 Dave Allen 11/15/06

NY323D CD X 2 US WNTQ 93Q Kevin Charles 11/15/06

NY323E CD US WNTQ 93Q Jim Donovan 11/13/06

NY323F CD US WNTQ 93Q Rick Roberts 11/13/06

NY323G CD US WNTQ 93Q Dennis Crawford 11/11/07

NY323H CD X 2 US WWLF 100.3 Movin’ Yo Sunny Joe Allen 2/20/07

NY323I CD US WWLF 100.3 Movin’ Yo Sunny Joe Allen 11/14/07

NY324 CD X 2 US WSEN 92.1 Oldies Jim Tate 11/15/06

NY325 CD US WUMX Mix 102.5 AC Linda Ray 11/15/06

NY326 CD US WWHT Hot 107.9 Ed McMann 11/15/06

NY327 CD X 2 US WOKR 93.5 The River Utica/Rome/Syrcuse Allison 11/15/06

NY328 CD X 2 US WAQX 95X Beaner & Ken 11/16/06

NY329 CD X 2 US WRCK Rock 107 Utica/Rome/Syracuse Gary Spears 11/16/06

NY330 CD X 2 US WZFM 107.1 Briarcliff Manor Saturday Night Special Hosted by Paul Cavalconte. “Rowan and Martin’s 20th Anniversary Reunion” 7/22/88

NY331 CD X 2 US WHUD 100.7 Joe O’Brien 2/3/13

NY332 CD US WBEN-FM Rock 102 JP 3/6/79

NY333 CD Scoped WNDR-AM Don Bombard 4/22/78 and WFBL-AM 1390 Todd Parker June 1980

NY334 CD X 3 US WVNV Malone NY Wild Country 96.5 Cooter July 2006

NY335 CD X 2 US WMJQ Magic 102.5 Mike 6/16/90

NY336 CD X 2 US WKRH 100.9 & 106.5 KRock Minetto NY Rainman & Tim Noble

NY337 CD US WMJC 94.3 Kathy “Dominique” Lee 7/27/10

NY338 CD X 3 WKJY 98.3 Steve Harper 1st Show 10/7/09

NY339 CD X 3 US WWFS Fresh 102.7 Jim Dougas & Kim Berk 1st Show 10/7/09

NY342 MP3 and CD X 2 US WQCD CD101.9 Changes to WRXP The Rock Experience Bryan Schock 2/5/08 90m

NY342A CD US WRXP 101.9 Paul Cavalconte “Acoustic Christmas Morning” 12/25/09

NY342B CD US WRXP 101.9 Paul Cavalconte 7/10/11 Last Show 

NY342C CD US WNEW-AM Paul Cavalconte Milkman’is Matinee 12/10/92

NY344 CD X 2 US WFUV 90.7 Rita Houston The World Cafe 5/17/07

NY345 CD X 3 US WFUV 90.7 Rita Houston The World Cafe 5/18/07

NY346 MP3 and CD X 3 US NY Radio Composite January 15-17 2008
CD #1: 1/15/08 1) WWFS Fresh 102.7 Healter Walters 73m 2) WBAB 102.3  Donna Donna 75m 3) WCBS-FM 101.1 Ron Parker 75m 4) WXRK KRock 92.3 Danni and Ian Camfield 80m 5) WHTZ Z100 JJ Kincaid 75m 6) WBZO B103 Keith Allen 78m 7) WBLI 106.1 Al Levine and Astra 77m 8) WRKS Kiss 98.7 Lenny Green 78m 9) WAXQ Q04.3 Carol Miller 79m

CD#2: 1/16/08 WLTW 106.7 Lite FM Victor Sosa 78m 2) WKTU 103.5 Paul “Cubby” Bryant 78m 3) WHLI-AM 1100 Paul Richards 79m 4) WPLJ 95.5 Joey Kramer 80m 5) WMJC Island 94.3 Malibu Sue and Jon Daniels 77m 6) WXPK 107.1 The Peak Jimmy Fink 80m 7) WWPR Power 105.1 DJ Klu 77m 8) WQHT Hot 97 Funkmaster Flex 78m

CD#3: 1/17/08 1) WBLS 107.5 Champagne 80m 2) WCAA 105.9 Radio La Kalle Luis Jiminez 1st Show 80m 3) WKJY 98.3 KJoy Jody Vale 80m 4) WEBE 108 Danny Lyons 76m 5) WALK-FM 97.5 KT Mills 80m

NY347 MP3 US Five Days Around New York 
1/5/09: 1) WBAB 102.3 Roger Luce and JP Parisi 79m
1/6/09: 1) WPLJ 95.5 Scott and Todd 77m 3) WBZO B103 Jim O’Brien 78m 4) WMJC Magic 94.7 Phathead 77m 4) WXRP 101.9 Matt Pinfield and Leslie Fram into Steve Craig 79m 5) WCBS-FM 101.1 Bob Shannon and Bill Lee 77m 6) WAXQ Q104 Ken Dashow into Gerry Martere 74m 7) WKTU 103.5 Mike Jagger 76m 8) WLTW 106.7 Lite FM Helen Little 79m 
1/7/09: 9) WHTZ Z100 Elvis Duran and The Morning Zoo 79m 10) WBLI 106.1 Lisa “Chloe” Gold and Al Levine 77m 
1/8/09: 11) WHLI-AM 1100 Paul Richards 79m
1/10/09: 12) WKJY KJoy 98.3 Jim Douglas and Kim Berk 79m
BONUS 3/9/09: WXRK 92.3 KRock Chris Booker 88m

NY348 CD X 2 US WLTW 1067 Helen Little 2/5/08 1st Show

NY349 CD X 2 US WQEW Holly Levis 12/18/98

NY350 CD US WNYZ Pulse 87.7 Star & Buc Wild 1st Show 2/19/08

NY351 CD X 2 US WNYZ Pulse 87.7 Jewlz 2/25/08

NY351A CD US WNYZ Pulse 87.7 Jimmy “Showboat” Fields 1st Show 2/4/08

NY351B CD US WNYZ Pulse 87.7 Niko Last Show 10/30/09

NY352 MP3 and CD US WWRL-AM 1600 Hal Jackson 1/1/62 US 45m

NY352A MP3 and CD US WLIB-AM/WBLS Frankie Crocker 11/71 68m

NY352B CD X 2 WRVR 106.7 Herschel 8/16/77

NY352C CD US WBLS 107.5 Isaac Hayes 1977 and Ken Webb 4/15/77

NY352D MP3 and CD US WBLS 107.5 Sergio 1/3/83 32m

NY352E CD US WBLS 107.5 Holly Levis 4/21/97

NY352F CD US WBLS 107.5 Rickie Ricardo 4/21/97

NY353 CD US WRXP 101.9 No Name 2/29/08

NY353A MP3 US WQCD Flips to WRXP Bryan Schock 2/5/08 90m

NY354 MP3 & CD US WRXP 101.9 Paul Cavalconte Returns! 3/1/08 79m

NY355 MP3 & CD US WRXP 101.9 Paul Cavalconte 2nd Show 3/2/08 77m

NY356 WRXP 101.9 Matt Pinfield 5th Show 5/30/08

NY357 CD X 2 US WHLI Presents the Jones Beach Air Show 5/25/08

NY358 CD and MP3 US WRKS Kiss 98.7 Chuck Leonard November 1987 45m

NY358A CD and MP3 US WRKS Chuck Leonard 1987 46m

NY358B CD and MP3 US WRKS Yvonne Mobley November 1987 60m

NY358C MP3 CD X 6 US The Last Weekend of WRKS Kiss 98.7 April 28-30, 2012 1) 4/28 5:48-10:27 AM and 10:27 AM-3:06 PM 2) 3:06-7:45 PM, 7:45 PM-12:34 AM 3) 4/29 12:24-5:03 AM, 5:03-9:42 AM 4) 4/30 9:42 AM-2:28 PM, 2:28-7 PM 5) 4/29 7-11:39 PM, 11:39 PM-4:13 AM 6) 4/30 4:18-9:52 AM, 9:52-11 AM

NY359 CD US WBAB 102.3 Donna Donna 11/17/08

NY360 CD US WBZO B103.1 John Williams into Marty Mitchell 1/19/09

NY362 CD US WHLI-AM 1100 Bob Perry 2/23/09

NY363 CD US WKJY KJoy 98.3 Jodi Vale 2/23/09

NY364 CD US WXRK 92.3 KRock Chris Booker 2/23/09

NY364A CD US WXRK 92.3 KRock Auto 3/10/09

NY365 CD X 2 US WXRK KRock Flips to 92.3 NOW 3/11/09

NY366 CD X 2 US WXRK Now 92.3 Tic Tac & Lisa Paige 1st Shows 3/13/09

NY367 CD UD WXRK Now 92.3 Chunky (formerly Big Boy) 3/19/09

NY368 CD US WBLI 106.1 Reno Returns! 3/14/09

NY369 CD US WKJY 98.3 Holly Levis 4/8/09

NY370 MP3 & CD US WKTU Joe Causi  92.3 11-16-82 and 103.5 11/28/97 1h 13m

NY371 CD US WKTU 92.3 Jay Thomas 1/3/85

NY371A CD US WXRK KRock Jay Thomas 3rd Show 7/15/85

NY372 CD US WKTU 103.5 Paul “Cubby” Bryant 9/23/06 and WNEW-FM Joe Causi & Brenda K. Starrr 9/24/06

NY373 MP3 WKTU 103.5 Wendy Wild 6/25/10

NY374 MP3 and CD US WKTU 92.3 1) Rosko Mercer 7/4/83 31m 2) Dan Ingram Last Show 45m 7/12/85

NY375 CD X 3 US WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr 40th Anniversary Show 3/18/14 (Hours 1, 3, 4)

NY375A MP3 Scoped WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr 18th Anniversary Show on Q104 36m (Thanks to Trevor The Producer!)

NY375B MP3 US WAXQ Q104 Jim Kerr 18th Anniversary Show on Q104 4h

NY375D MP3 US WAXQ Q104.3 Jim Kerr 3/1/22 7:50-8:56 AM 45m

NY376 WCBS-FM US Race Taylor 1st Show 7/22/19 5h

NY376A MP3 WCBS-FM US Race Taylor 10/1/21 2h

NY376B MP3 WCBS-FM US Matt Sneed 2/27/22 4-5 PM 55m

NY377 MP3 Scoped WKJY KJoy 98.3 Kathy Cunningham 6/6/92, 8/26/94, 9/27/95 (I received this tape from Kathy many years and finally dug it out from the aircheck boxes and converted it. Kathy also worked at WBAB-FM and WNYG-AM) 90m

NY378 MP3 US WGSM 740 Huntington Gordon Baker 3/12/83 30m

NY379 MP3 US WNSH 94.7 Flip from Country to Throwback R&B/Hip Hop The Block  at 12:40 PM10/22/21 9 AM-4 PM 7 hours

NY380 MP3 CD WFNY 102.7 1/3/80 1) Booker 2) David Lee Roth 3) Jake and Jackie 4) JV and Elvis 5) Penn Gillette 6) Leslie Gold

NY381 MP3 CD 1) WNEW-FM Opie and Anthony play the Frankie Blue Drunk aircheck 12/17/04 2) WFNY Tom Glavine Interview 3) WFNY David Lee Roth Last Show 4/21/06 4) JV and Elvis 4/21/06 5) WFNY Opie and Anthony Unofficial Start 4/24/06 6) WFNY Opie and Anthony Official 1st Show 4/26/06 6-9 AM

NY382 CD X 7 US 1) RuPaul and Michelle Visage 3/29/96 44m 2) Freddy Colon and Michelle Visage 4/3/96 60m 3) RuPaul and Michelle Visage 5/14/96 46m 4) RuPaul, Freddy Colon, Michelle Visage and Goumba Johnny 12/23/96 87m CD X 2 5) The Jammin’ 105 Weekend 3/30/02 56m 6) MP3 CD A-Bartel 7/31/06 75m B-Vic Latino 7/31/06 80m C-Wake Up With Whoopi Goldberg 1st Show 5-9 AM 7/31/06 4h D-Goumba Johnny and Hollywood Hamilton Return 2-7 PM 9/5/06 4h

NY382A CD US WKTU 103.5 Super Mixes 3/23/03 59m

NY383 MP3 US WBUF 92.9 Jack FM Buffalo Automated 5/16/05 8:35-10 PM 87m

NY384 MP3 US WXBK 94.7 The Block Shelly Wade 2nd Show 3-29-22 2-7 PM 4h 10m (internet commercials edited out)

NY385 MP3 All are Unscoped with the internet commercials edited out. Welcome to Central New York and the city of Syracuse! I have a sentimental attachment to the city, since my late father lived there for over thirty years. I made a lot of friends at the radio stations there. Cumulus Media was right up the street, and Inner Harbor Media was down the street by the inner harbor. Galaxy Media was a few minutes away in Armory Square, which is the center of the food revolution downtown. My favorite place to eat, and always my first stop was the original Dinosaur BBQ!

Go HERE to read all about Syracuse on Wikipedia.

Syracuse is the county seat of Onondaga County, and the 5th most populous city in New York State. According to the 2020 census, the city population was 148,620 and the metropolitan area is 662,057.

The first settlers were French missionaries that arrived to work with the Native Americans in the 1600’s. On February 4, 1820, the area was named Syracuse after the town in Sicily (Siracusa) and was recognized by the US Government for the first new post office.

Throughout the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, many  businesses were established, including the Franklin Automobile Company, which produced the first air cooled engine in the world. Also there was the Century Motor Vehicle Company, Smith Corona and The Craftsman Workshops, the center of Gustav Stickley’s handmade furniture empire.

The first New York State Fair was held in 1841. On March 24, 1870 Syracuse University was established. 

Syracuse usually wins the Golden Snowball Award among upstate cities. The high snowfall is a result of the city receiving both heavy snow from the lake effect of nearby Lake Ontario, and Nor’easter snow from storms driven from the Atlantic Ocean.

Performing arts include the Jazz Festival, Symphoria and Clinton String Quartet. Museums include the Everson Museum of Art, Erie Canal Museum and the Milton J. Rosenstein Museum of Science and Technology, known by it’s nickname of MOST, located in Armory Square.

1) WYYY Y94.5 AC Syracuse Julie D 1:50-3:25 PM 9/7/22 1h 7m
2) WNTQ 93Q CHR Syracuse Rick Roberts 3-4:40 PM 9/5/22 1h 18m
3) WOLF 92.1 Country Syracuse Skip Clark 4-5:35 PM 9/5/22 1h 20m
4) WWHT Hot 107.9 Urban Syracuse Mikey V 5-6:40 PM 9/5/22 1h 19m
5) WTKW TK99 Bridgeport/Syracuse Classic Rock Automated 5:30-7 PM 9/5/22 1h 20m 
6) WSEN 94.1-95.3-103.9 The Dinosaur Classic Top 40 Mexico/Syracuse Kiley Sommers 7:15-9 PM 9/5/22 1h 25m
7) WAQX 95X Syracuse Alternative Bob at Night 7:10-8:45 PM 9/522 1h 14m
8) WTKW TK99 Bridgeport/Syracuse Glen “Gomez” Adams (a market legend!) 9/6/22 7:10-9:48 AM 1h 39m
9) WNTQ 93Q Amy Robbins and Joey Walker (Ted Long was on vacation) 9/6/22 5:30-7:34 AM 1h 33m
10) WSEN 103.9 The Dinosaur Tony Fallico (in for PD John Carruci) 9/6/22 7:37-8:29 AM 39m
11) WUMX Mix 102.5 AC Rome/Utica Automated 10-11:30 AM 9/6/22 1h 23m
12) WKRL Rock 94.9-100.9-106.5 Syracuse Griffin 10-11:30 AM 9/6/22 1h 9m
13) WLZW Lite 98.7 Utica Michelle Heart 12-1:30 PM 9/6/22 1h
14) WYXL 97.3 Lite Rock Utica Nikki 3:05-4:18 PM 9/12/22
15) WMVN 96.5 The Beat Urban Syracuse Bianca 1:36-3:06 PM 1h 21m
16) WXHC X101 Homer/Cortland Classic Rock Jack Eaves  3:07-4:37 PM 9/6/22 1h 21m
17) WKXZ Star 93.9 AC Norwich Alicia Selin 3:22 4:52 PM 9/6/22 1h 9m
18) WFRG Big Frog 104.3 Utica Tad (in for Dave Wheeler) 4:56-6:26 PM 9/6/22 1h 10m
19) WQNY Q103.7 Country Ithaca Justin J 5-6:30 PM 9/6/22 1h 9m
20) WBBS B104.7 Country Fulton Shanna into Dusty 6:30-8 PM 1h 8m
21) WSKS Kiss 97.9 CHR Whitesboro Roscoe Red 6:37-8:08 PM 58m
22) WZUN Sunny 102.1 Syracuse Classic Hits Rick Gary 7:21-9:10 M 9/7/22 1h 26m
23) WJPZ Z89 Syracuse University Automated 9:30-11:01 AM 9/7/22 1h 31m
24) WXUR 92.7 The Drive Herkimer Classic Rock Genesse Joe 2:57-4:27 PM 1h 13m
25) WHEN Power 620 101.7 Urban Syracuse Bionce Foxx 11:40 AM-1:05 PM 9/7/22 1h 14m

(Armory Square at night)

NY385A MP3 US WSEN The Dinosaur 103.9-94.1-95.3 John Carucci 1st Show 10/4/21 6-9:34 AM

NY386 MP3 Scoped 40m
1) WBEN-AM 930 Buffalo Larry Hunter, Newsday Today w/Jim McLoughlin, and Kevin O’Connell 2/15/79
2) WYSL-AM 1400 14 Rock Buffalo Chuck Stevens and Tom Atkins 3/2/79

NY387 MP3 US WRIV-AM 1390 Riverhead Perry Manno 8/26/074 68m

NY387A MP3 US WRIV-AM 1390 Riverhead 8/17/04 Tom O’Leary 6:30-7:47 PM

NY388 CD X 6 The Closing of The Fillmore East 6/27/71 1) Albert King 45m 2) J. Geils Band 55m 3) Edgar Winter’s White Trash 46m 4) Mountain 52m 5) The Beach Boys and Country Joe 53m 6) The Allman Brothers Band 79m

NY389 CD X 5 US WBMP Amp 92.3 First Morning Show 5:30-10 AM 5h 30m 

NY390 MP3 US The Return of WKBW aka WWKB-AM 1520 Buffalo January 2003 Recorded by Scott Fybush
1) WBEN-AM 930 Sandy Beach, Dan Nevereath and Tom Donahue talking about the return of WKBW-AM 1520 the following Monday. 1/24/03 3:30-5 PM
2) WWKB aka WKBW-AM 1520 Returns! Dan Nevereath 1/27/03 6:55-7:15 AM
3) Dan Nevereath 7:25-8:15 AM
4) Dan Nevereath 8:55-10:25 AM
5) Hank Nevins 2:45-4:15 PM
6) Hank Nevins 4:15-5:45 PM
7) Jack Armstrong 5:50-7:20 PM
8) Jack Armstrong 7:25-8:55 PM
9) Jack Armstrong 8:55-9:40 PM
10) Tom Donahue’s Saturday Night All Request Party  2/1/03 9-9:45 PM
11) Jack Armstrong 3/6/03 60m

NY391 MP3 US WGBB-AM 1240 Harv Allen 12/29/84 30

NY392 MP3 US WOR-AM 710 The Last Week of John Gambling featuring Joe Barlett and JJ Kennedy 1) 12/16/13 7:30-10 AM 2) 12/17/13 6-10 AM 3) 12/18/13 6-10 AM 4) 12/19/13 6-10 AM 5) 12/20/13 6-10 AM

NY393 MP3 WOR-AM 710 Mark Simone interviews Scott Shannon 11:45 AM-12 PM 6/29/23

NY394 MP3 WFAN-FM 101.9 Craig Carton and Evan Roberts Last Show 2-6:60 PM 6/30/23 (the last 15 minute commercial break has been edited out) 4h 15m

NY395 MP3 US WXPK 107.1 The Peak Port Chester Jimmy Fink 7/28/23 3h 42m (commercials edited out)

NY396 MP3 US WBAB 102.3 Dominique 2/19/24 (includes a birthday shoutout to ME!) 10 AM-2 PM 3h 56m

NY397 MP3 US WBZO Max-FM Flips to WWWF 103.1 The Wolf Automated 3/20/24 8 AM- 2 PM 6h (Not using the new call letters yet)

NY397A MP3 US WWWF 103.1 The Wolf Amanda Neo 1st Show 10:13-3 PM 4/15/24

NY397B MP3 US WWWF 103.1 The Wolf Kelly Ford 1st Show 3:30-7 PM 8/5/24

NY398 MP3 US WCBS-FM 101.1 Jesse Addy 3-7 PM 7/30/24

NY399 MP3 US 1) WEPN Flips from Sports to Hot AC Pop Up TJ98.7 8/31/24 2h 2) TJ Taormina 1st Show 6-10 AM 9/3/24 4h

NY400 MP3 US WKJY 98.1 Joy 98 Dick Summer 10/27/81 7:20-7:50 AM 30m

NY401 MP3 Scoped Composite NYC CHR Wars May 1992 60m 1) WPLJ AJ Hammer & Dave Stewart 2) WQHT Hot 97 Jeff Thomas 3) WHTZ Z100 Chris Jagger 4) WQHT Hot 97 Sue O’Neal & Ray Rossi 5) WHTZ Z100 Human Numan 6) WHTZ Z100 Chio The Puerto Rican 7) WCBS-FM Dan Ingram
